Monday 5 January 2015

McCrossan: Roads Service must take action on Bailee Road

SDLP West Tyrone Westminster candidate Daniel McCrossan has criticised Roads Service for their failure to take action on the concerns of local Strabane residents regarding safety along Bailee road.

He said:

“Over the last few weeks I have been contacted by a number of residents concerned about dangerous conditions on the Bailee Road overlooking the old Strabane Glen. Regular users of the road is will know it’s very narrow with no passing places for vehicles. At one particular section there is only a few feet of grass verge between the road and a cliff, dropping almost 100 ft.

“The issue of safety was brought to my attention after a car sunk into the verge when pulling in to allow another car to pass.

“I contacted Roads Service who placed parking cones around the spot almost 8 weeks ago, but have done nothing to secure the area since. This stretch of road has the potential to cause a serious accident and poses a significant threat to road users unaware of the area.

“I am now calling for a barrier to be placed along this section to ensure road users are not put at risk. This is a rural country road with no lights; therefore action must be taken to secure the site immediately.”



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