Tuesday 24 February 2015

McCrossan: Token gestures won’t fix housing problem

SDLP West Tyrone Westminster candidate Daniel McCrossan welcomed news that the Department of Social Development plans to build 45 new social housing residences in Strabane.  Mr McCrossan stated that although the plans were encouraging, they fell far short of beginning to address the shortage of social housing in West Tyrone.

He said: “This token gesture, while great news for 45 families in West Tyrone, is still just a token gesture. It falls far short of even beginning to address the 500 families experiencing housing stress on waiting lists never mind the 1316 families in West Tyrone still waiting for social housing.

“I stand by my assertion that the DSD can only begin to tackle this inadequacy by introducing plans to build 500 new homes in West Tyrone immediately. 200 new homes in Strabane and 300 in Omagh is an appropriate target if the DSD are serious about relieving those experiencing severe housing stress.

McCrossan: Sinn Fein have buckled

SDLP West Tyrone Westminster candidate Daniel McCrossan has accused Sinn Fein of buckling under pressure from the Tory Government after they backed the DUP’s Welfare Reform Bill. Describing the Bill as an attack on the welfare state, Mr McCrossan accused Sinn Fein of rolling over when the DUP abused the petition of concern to shut down SDLP amendments that sought to improve the Bill and protect the most vulnerable in society.

He said: “It is scandalous that Sinn Fein are still trying to represent themselves as a party fighting to protect the vulnerable in our society. In their complicity in this assault on the welfare state they have left those who depend on benefits very anxious about the reduced amounts they can expect and the hoops they’ll have to jump through to get them.

“People suffering from mental health problems, the victims of hate crime, disabled young people, these are the people the SDLP sought to protect with our amendments and these are the people Sinn Fein failed when they rolled over in the face of a DUP veto. They did not make a sound when the DUP undemocratically abused the petition of concern to effectively veto any change to their draconian welfare reform.

“The SDLP have resisted cuts at every level. We opposed Tory Welfare Reform at Westminster and significantly restricted the Bedroom Tax, now we’re left to oppose it in the Assembly alone. 

“It was the SDLP who gained accountability for NCA before they were allowed to operate in the North, providing us with a valuable new weapon against organised crime in border areas. Sinn Fein copped out and has done so again on Welfare Reform, buckling in the face of Tory pressure.

They promised to block the bedroom tax. Time after time they said they would table a petition of concern to make sure it never came into operation here. That has now been proven to be nothing more than hot air. The SDLP tabled a petition of concern and appealed to Sinn Féin throughout the debate to sign it. They failed to step up to the mark. Another broken promise to add to the list.

“It is clear now that the SDLP are now leading the fight against austerity and Sinn Fein are way out of touch with the public’s needs and opinion.”

McCrossan: Minister must come clean on Greenfield Care Home

SDLP West Tyrone Westminster candidate Daniel McCrossan has called for the Minister for Health to come clean on the future of Greenfield Residential Care Home. Mr McCrossan made his demand following reports that beds were being kept empty in the Strabane residence for older people.

He said: “Reports that beds are being kept empty in a care home at a time when demand is high and Health spending is being cut is quite alarming. Many of the residents suspect that it is because the axe of healthcare cutbacks is about to fall on Greenfield.

“After hearing that as many as 17 of the 30 beds are currently unoccupied, I posted a letter of concern Health Minister enquiring if it was indeed his intention to target Greenfield for closure. The response I received was vague and noncommittal; lending weight to this possibility.

“The Minister must realize that it is inappropriate to be anything but transparent in regard to his intentions to remove services that people in this area depend on. These are peoples’ homes and it is about time the Minister ended the unnecessary stress he is putting on Greenfield residents and come clean about his intentions.”

McCrossan: Strabane is behind you Chloe

SDLP West Tyrone Westminster candidate Daniel McCrossan has thrown his support behind Strabane singing sensation Chloe Wilders. Chloe appeared on The Voice of Ireland on RTE last Sunday night where her performance of Jason Mraz’s ‘I Won’t Give Up’ earned her a spot in Judge Niall Breslin’s team.

Mr McCrossan said: “Chloe is a well-known name around Strabane for her incredible voice and it’s fantastic to see her talent recognised across the nation.

“Her tremendous performance on Sunday night is not a surprise to anyone who has visited her prolific Youtube channel and her composure during the blind audition was testament to her conviction to succeed as an entertainer.

“Brezzie has gained himself a valuable asset in this contest and I’m sure Chloe will go on to great success. She is doing herself, her family and Strabane proud and, as I’m sure she already knows, we are all behind her.”

McCrossan: Need for comprehensive mental healthcare in Strabane

SDLP West Tyrone Westminster candidate Daniel McCrossan has highlighted the considerable need for better mental healthcare in West Tyrone. Mr McCrossan explained that despite the valuable work charitable and voluntary organisations, various factors affecting the Strabane area demand more effective provision from the state.

Mr McCrossan said: “Healthcare for those suffering from mental health problems is very different from treating other conditions. Often it is a case of managing the condition rather than treating it and support is fundamental in this effort.

“Unfortunately for those living in Strabane and the surrounding area, the support provided in others area is not readily available. There seems to be a lack of consideration given to the consistent support required for patients in this area and how their conditions may inhibit them. I talked to one woman living in Strabane who was referred to Omagh and yet her condition prevented her from leaving the house.

“Charitable organisations like the Koram Centre do fantastic work in terms of support but as a society we cannot rely on the selflessness of others for lasting and comprehensive mental healthcare. It is essential that the Health Service increases the provision of aftercare and support for people with mental health conditions around Strabane.

“Factors such as low prospects for young people, falling standards of living and family separation due to emigration could contribute to an increase in problematic mental health issues in this area and this is something we must address. People living with these conditions may show no outward sign of how they are really feeling. It is vital that they are not left to suffer alone.

Monday 2 February 2015

The 'Anti Equality Act' - An opinion piece by Charlie Goan

The Conscience Clause... Oh where do I begin to explain my utter distaste for this piece of legislation that should be christened the “Anti Equality Act”? We live in a democracy that elected representatives can openly discourage equality on TV, Radio and Social Media. For all who are not yet aware of the Conscience Clause I will give you some examples of what the legislation actually cover.

1.    It would mean that Same Sex Couples would not be allowed to adopt of a Catholic Adoption Agency if the agency objected due to the couples sexual orientation

2.    It would mean a Muslim Baker would not have to bake a Cake with “Pro-Gay” Slogans

3.    It would mean that a Evangelical Photographer could choose whether or not he wanted to photograph a same sex marriage

 If this bill is introduced people who class themselves homosexual will be deprived of services on the head of the service provider. In this day and age NO person should be deprived of any service due to their sexual orientation and personally I am totally and utterly opposed to any such move. The people of Northern Ireland have began to move on and now the DUP are trying to drag us back the 17th century and I tell you this and I tell you no more, the people of Northern Ireland will be dragged back kicking and screaming until someone takes a stand to the terrible homophobic bill. The people of Northern Ireland will overcome the bigots of society and will overcome with strength and conviction.

Mr. Charlie Goan

West Tyrone Youth Representative

McCrossan calls on Minister to build 500 houses across West Tyrone

SDLP West Tyrone Westminster candidate Daniel McCrossan has described the inadequacy of social housing in West Tyrone as a shocking indictment of the Department of Social Development. Mr McCrossan has given voice to the hundreds of families who have spent months on waiting lists and has called on the DSD Minster Mervyn Storey to step up and do his job.

He said: “The complete inadequacy of social housing is one of the most important issues facing constituents of West Tyrone.

“The figures are staggering and offer a shocking indictment of the Department of Social Development. 619 families are on the waiting list in Omagh of which 175 experience housing stress. In Strabane the situation is even worse with 697 families on the waiting list with a shameful 326 of them finding the cost of living too much to bear.

“I have talked to one individual who has been waiting with her family since July. She explained how the stress has affected their physical health and the health of her marriage.
“The Social Development Minister must take urgent and immediate action. He must expedite social housing and start the development of 500 homes across West Tyrone to alleviate the burden on these hard pressed families.

“1,316 families across West Tyrone are right now waiting to have a home and this is unacceptable. Mervyn Storey needs to step up and act one of his most basic duties, to provide social housing for those who need it.”

McCrossan: Welcome home Bane

SDLP West Tyrone Westminster candidate Daniel McCrossan has celebrated the return of a beloved pet dog to his owner in Sion Mills. Bane the Labrador had been missing for a substantial period of time before a sustained social media campaign helped return him to his owner 8 year old TJ who has Autism.
He said: “I am delighted that Bane has finally found his way home. TJ was ecstatic when reunited with his friend.

“I know the Earley family very well and knew how much Bane meant to them and TJ in particular.

“His return comes in the wake of a social media campaign that went viral prompting many more people to get involved in the search.

“I would like to thank everyone who made this a reality. Their concerted effort is typical of the considerate, selfless and compassionate people who live in Sion Mills and West Tyrone in general.”

Sunday 1 February 2015

Byrne: DARD Minister must act on falling farm incomes

SDLP Spokesperson for Agriculture and Vice Chairman of the Agriculture Committee, Joe Byrne MLA has called for Agriculture Minister to take urgent action to counter the falling income of the North’s farming industry. Mr Byrne highlighted the turmoil of dairy industry as particularly concerning for agriculture.

He said: “I have a major concern for the drop in farming prices that is creating uncertainty and great financial stress for many farmers. I am particularly anxious that our largest sector dairy farming which has saw a drop of 6% last year.

“I have requested that the Agriculture committee write to Commissioner Phil Hogan in Brussels and press for the introduction of an new intervention scheme for dairy products. This is an essential step if milk prices are to be stabilized and restore a sense of order in the markets across Europe.

“It is also crucial that Michelle O’Neill lobbies effectively in London with the DEFRA Minister, Liz Truss, in order to create a sense of urgency for the Dairy sector in NI”

McCrossan: Strabane will resist cuts to frontline services.

SDLP West Tyrone Westminster candidate Daniel McCrossan has expressed his frustration that Strabane Courthouse has been earmarked for closure. 

Following the revelation from the Justice Minister David Ford, Mr McCrossan confirmed that the SDLP support the local community in resisting any cuts to essential frontline public services.

He said: “I am deeply frustrated to learn of the Justice Minister David Fords proposals to close up to 8 Court Houses across the North. Not surprisingly, Strabane is first in line for further cuts.

“This again represents the very raw deal being dealt to the people of the Strabane District by the Northern Ireland Executive. Strabane has been starved from any meaningful Government investment for decades and this government now intends to entirely remove all traces of front line public services from the area.

This will add tremendous pressure, in an already very stressful situation, on those before the court and the families attending.  This will also prove very difficult for local solicitors, who will be expected to travel much further to represent their clients.

“Considering this is the third time the Strabane Court House has been pulled into question, it becomes quite clear that it was really only a matter of time before David Ford came knocking for the Gavel.

“Local solicitors along with local representative have battled hard to have the service retained and I along with my SDLP colleagues will continue this fight to protect this vital service.”