Tuesday 24 February 2015

McCrossan: Token gestures won’t fix housing problem

SDLP West Tyrone Westminster candidate Daniel McCrossan welcomed news that the Department of Social Development plans to build 45 new social housing residences in Strabane.  Mr McCrossan stated that although the plans were encouraging, they fell far short of beginning to address the shortage of social housing in West Tyrone.

He said: “This token gesture, while great news for 45 families in West Tyrone, is still just a token gesture. It falls far short of even beginning to address the 500 families experiencing housing stress on waiting lists never mind the 1316 families in West Tyrone still waiting for social housing.

“I stand by my assertion that the DSD can only begin to tackle this inadequacy by introducing plans to build 500 new homes in West Tyrone immediately. 200 new homes in Strabane and 300 in Omagh is an appropriate target if the DSD are serious about relieving those experiencing severe housing stress.

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