Monday 25 January 2016

McCrossan: Assault Rifle found in Strabane

SDLP West Tyrone MLA Daniel McCrossan has described the discovery of an illegal firearm in Strabane as a deeply worrying. A military grade assault rifle was found at Lismourne Place along with ammunition.

Mr McCrossan said: “This discovery of this weapon is a deeply worrying development. Illegal and irresponsible gun ownership is very dangerous and we have seen weapons of this type used in illegal activity including the attempted murder of police.

“The illegal storing of firearms is unacceptable and it allows those who committed to violence to continue to put the public at risk. We must all be vigilant against this threat and I would encourage anyone with any relevant information to contact the police immediately.”

Thursday 21 January 2016

McCrossan: DRD in the dark on A5/A6 detail

SDLP West Tyrone MLA and member of the Regional Development Committee Daniel McCrossan has described the evidence provided by DRD officials at Regional Development Committee meeting today as a “demonstration of the scant detail, lack of funding and little thought,” given to the A5 and A6 developments. Senior DRD officials who were responding to questions from Committee members were unable to answer important questions pertaining to the development of the two roads.

Mr McCrossan said: “The evidence heard by the Regional Development Committee today completely undermines the boasts of Sinn Fein and the DUP that the development of the A5 and A6 will be delivered. It was a demonstration of the scant detail, lack of funding and little thought that have been given to these so called flagship projects beyond this year.

“In the case of the A6 we know that this budget has only put up £21million of the estimated half a billion needed to complete the road and when I asked about how plans were progressing on A5 the DRD officials looked at me as if I had two heads. They were unable to provide any detail on how or when the Strabane to New Buildings development would progress and there was no mention of the Ballygawley–Omagh-Strabane stretch that forms the bulk of the job.

“The fact that their testimony did not contain any detail is not a reflection on the Department but evidence of the clear lack of planning and direction that has come from the DUP minister. We must come to the conclusion that the reason why senior officials are still in the dark is because the DUP and Sinn Fein have no real intention of delivering on their promises. A day after it was introduced, this Budget is already falling apart under the weight of the slightest scrutiny. It has been exposed as a catalogue of empty election promises.”

McCrossan: 1916 is bigger than any party or politician

SDLP West Tyrone MLA Daniel McCrossan has said that the events of 1916 and the commemoration of the Easter Rising is bigger than any political party and any politician.

Mr McCrossan said that he wants to see a year of inclusive commemoration that offers those of all political traditions the opportunity to tell the story of their community and to learn about their own connection to the events of 100 years ago.

Mr McCrossan said: “1916 was a pivotal year in the shaping of Ireland. The rich history of that year, from the march on the GPO to the march on the battlefields of the Somme, belongs to all the people of Ireland. It certainly doesn’t belong to any party or any politician.

“I was disappointed to hear the new First Minister suggest that she will not be associated with the Easter Rising commemoration. That is a step backward. History offers us all a choice – we can become rigid, unyielding and unwilling to accommodate the traditions of others. Or we can learn from the past, embrace the challenges of the present and stretch ourselves to shape a future where everyone is comfortable in our shared experiences. There is a unionist dimension to the Rising, a unique story to be told, just as there is a nationalist dimension to the Somme commemoration which my party will not shirk from. It would be a true loss if Arlene Foster and others chose not to share their story.

“But clearly there are others who believe that the story of the Rising is for them alone to tell. It is not. They believe that the sectarian conflict and violence of the troubles makes them the heir to the legacy of 1916. It does not. And the people of Ireland will not stand by silently as any party or politician attempts to claim sole ownership of our national heritage.”

Thursday 7 January 2016

McCrossan signs in as MLA for West Tyrone

Daniel McCrossan has signed the Assembly register today to become SDLP MLA for West Tyrone. Mr McCrossan was selected by SDLP party members to replace Joe Byrne who retired at the end of 2015.

Mr McCrossan said: “I am honoured to be signing in as one of two new MLAs for the SDLP alongside Gerard Diver. In Joe Byrne the people of West Tyrone had a representative who worked tirelessly in their interest with dignity, integrity and expertise. We cannot thank him enough for all he has accomplished for our people and I will strive to follow his example.

“In the Assembly I will pursue those issues that have been consistently neglected by other parties; the repeated failure to deliver the A5, the crisis facing our dairy and lamb farmers and our chronic shortage of housing and jobs. It is time parties in government make good on their promises to the people of West Tyrone. The SDLP will work to change that.

“The coming months will be critical for the SDLP, West Tyrone and all of Northern Ireland. Devolution must be more than what we have had over the last 10 years. I am confident that our Leader Colum Eastwood, with a strong Assembly team at his back, will show the public that that their interests are better served by a party committed partnership and not point scoring. It is time for change.”

Joe Byrne said: “Daniel McCrossan has all the qualities that will make him the outstanding representative for West Tyrone. His constituents can be assured that in him that they have an MLA who will fight for them with passion and confidence. I wish him all the best as he works in the Assembly over the next couple of months and contests the election in May.”

Wednesday 6 January 2016

McCrossan: Rhetoric wont build roads

SDLP West Tyrone representative Daniel McCrossan has said that vital roads infrastructure in the North West won’t be built on empty rhetoric or broken promises and that local people will not be taken in by the same stories ahead of an election.

Mr McCrossan said that SDLP representatives have continued to lobby for significant infrastructure upgrades, including the A5, throughout the past five years and will continue to do so in spite of those who have come late to the party to make shallow electoral promises with no funding proposals.

Mr McCrossan said: “Investment in infrastructure upgrades throughout the West is critical to redeveloping our regional economy; there are no two ways about it. That’s why SDLP representatives here have continued to lobby, especially for new roads infrastructure, over the last number of years. Ours has been a legitimate campaign over many years to create growth and put communities here on a sustainable economic footing.

“Local people know who has put in the hard yards and who is ramping up the rhetoric. The ‘announcement’ about the A5 smacks of the same empty promises that have been made since 2007 and before every election since then. The flagship project package doesn’t even contain a clear indication of where funding beyond this year will come from. It’s public policy on a wing and a prayer.

“The SDLP is committed to a serious regional economic strategy to redevelop the West. That includes infrastructure upgrades on the A5 and the A6 as well as skills expansion at our local universities and higher education institutions. We can only generate prosperity if we maintain a highly skilled workforce and increase accessibility to our towns and cities. That is a significant job of work and will be much more difficult than simply making empty promises. The SDLP is up for the challenge though and with the support of local people, we’ll continue to press for change.”

McCrossan: Honoured after being chosen to join SDLP Assembly team

The West Tyrone representative Daniel McCrossan has publicly thanked those who selected him to replace Joe Byrne in the Assembly in the New Year.

Speaking after he was selected last night Mr McCrossan said, “It is a real honour to take over from Joe in the Assembly. He is the reason I joined the party and I’ve worked closely with him for many years now. I know this was not an easy decision for him but he’s remaining as Party Treasurer and I know he’ll be a close advisor.

“The energy in the room last night was a testimony to the work Joe has done over the years, and I know full well the responsibility I am taking on. But it is a challenge that l am ready for and I would like to thank everyone who supported me last night.

“Here in West Tyrone the appetite for what the SDLP has to offer is growing. We increased our votes in the Westminster election and I look forward to increasing our vote again in the May elections and returning to the Assembly.

“Under Colum Eastwood the SDLP is bringing a message that we must all commit to making the north work. That means real partnership across communities and real leaders capable of understanding the difference between being in power and being in government. It is a radical message at the right time, and it’s bringing in new members right across the north. I am honoured to be part of this.

“As the next MLA for West Tyrone I will campaign for proper commitment to funding the A5, for strategic investment in increasing apprenticeship places and for Northern Ireland to remain within Europe.

“Every single town across Northern Ireland faces challenges and it is no different here. I recently met with staff concerned about losing their jobs in Omagh with the proposed closure of Homebase and in Strabane after weeks of calling for work to be done on the River Finn and flooding which affected hundreds of people, work has finally begun.

“That is the sort of practical leadership I intend on delivering for the people of West Tyrone and I look forward to joining the rest of the SDLP team in the Assembly in the New Year.”

Tuesday 5 January 2016

Daniel McCrossan selected as the SDLP’s new West Tyrone MLA

Speaking after being selected Mr McCrossan said, “It is a real honour to take over from Joe Byrne in the Assembly. He is the reason I joined the party and I’ve worked closely with him for many years now. I know this was not an easy decision for him but he’s remaining as Party Treasurer and I know he’ll be a close advisor.

“The energy in the room last night (Thursday 17th Dec) was a testimony to the work Joe has done over the years, and I know full well the responsibility I am taking on. But it is a challenge that l am ready for and I would like to thank everyone who supported me last night.”

He added, “As the next MLA for West Tyrone I will campaign for proper commitment to funding the A5, for strategic investment in increasing apprenticeship places and for Northern Ireland to remain within Europe.”