Saturday 5 January 2013


BLEE: Repair of Ballycolman Sewer Drains Applauded!!

Strabane SDLP Sh. Councillor Anne Marie Blee has welcomed the NIHE'S plans to carryout essential maintenance on the sewer drains in the Ballycolman Estate area of Strabane.

Cllr Blee said “The sewers in Ballycolman have been an issue for residents for some time especially in the last number of months due to difficult weather conditions. The sewers were unable to cope with the extra influx of water and in turn flooded the street and residents gardens.”

“During times of heavy rain water and sewage would seep up through manholes and gullies leaving roads, footpaths and gardens swamped and layered with waste or flooded as result of the overflowing blocked drains. Many residents found it extremely difficult to access their homes and have had to avoid letting their children outside due to fears for their health and safety.”

“The SDLP team have been in contact with Northern Ireland Water and got them to carry out and emergency DESILT to repair the problem. NI Water has also cleaned and cleared the affected areas. We hope that this has finally brought an end to this persistent problem.”

SDLP Constituency Representative Daniel McCrossan also welcomed the repair work saying “When it comes to drainage and sewers, these issues must be dealt with as a matter of urgency. The risk to health and safety is too great for residents to be left waiting. I am happy to see work such as this being dealt with in a swift manner.”

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