Saturday 5 January 2013


SDLP welcomes Road Safety Campaign

SDLP Shadow Councillor Liam Stewart has welcomed the Road Safety Campaign and the message it is sending out to all road users. The event was held at Strabane Fire Station over the weekend.

Mr Stewart said “The Road Safety Campaign has two aims; preventing road crashes and supporting the victims. Road safety week is an annual event to heighten awareness of the extent of carnage on our roads, and the steps everyone can take to stop these needless deaths and injuries year-round.”

“The event held at Strabane Fire Station was in conjunction with the PSNI, Northern Ireland Fire and Rescue and the Ambulance Service. The event was a great family day out with the chance to look around and have your photograph taken with various rescue vehicles on show. The event also aimed to improve the relationship between the Traffic Branch of the PSNI and both young and older drivers. The PSNI also held a competition for best modified car and supplied various prizes for each category.”

“Road safety is a community issue. Dangers such as fast drivers and a lack of safe crossing places for pedestrians blight communities like Strabane. Particularly affected are children, young people and the elderly.” Mr Stewart urged “I would like to see more events like this to help raise awareness of the dangers of our roads especially coming into the winter months.”

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