Thursday 10 January 2013


Welfare cuts will push our people further into Poverty and our Region deeper into recession.

Without a doubt the most vulnerable and disabled people in the North of Ireland are going to be hit hardest by these Welfare cuts, the SDLP’s Constituency Representative, Daniel McCrossan has said this week.

 Mr McCrossan said, “It is no secret that the Strabane people rely heavily on the Welfare system for survival which in affect is depended upon by all businesses in the local economy. Quite simply this is a vicious circle which will ultimately push our people further into poverty and our Region deeper into recession”.

The cuts are coming and many have already been implemented across the region. Our offices have been inundated with calls and visits from many vulnerable people from across the district expressing their concerns and worries about the months ahead.  The impact of the Tory attack and lack of appreciation or concern from the blindfolded NI Executive is now being felt in many areas across the region and indeed by the people of Strabane and district.

The SDLP are deeply concerned for the people of this town and district and have questioned the severity of such cuts when fully implemented. Joe Byrne MLA said, “The SDLP have fought actively in Westminster and the Assembly against these cuts in concern for our most Vulnerable in society. The Executive are sleepwalking the Northern Irish people into a disastrous situation which will further disadvantage people in real need and harm our economy”. 

It is obvious that Welfare cuts will have a disproportionate impact on the people in Northern Ireland as opposed to the rest of the UK. The Troubles have left us with a great demand for Welfare in NI. The physical, mental and emotional trauma suffered by people over the last 40 years has had a huge impact on our social services. The impact hasn’t gone away and it is not going away for some time.

Mr McCrossan continued, “Cuts to Housing Benefit are resulting in increasing levels of homelessness; there have been no assurance that nobody will be left homeless as a result of these Welfare cuts, the Secretary of State was unable to assure the SDLP of this when questioned by our party Leader Alasdair McDonnell some months ago. With the imposition of all proposed Welfare cuts, I believe this situation is going to become even more desperate. Disability Living Allowance is to be cut by 20% despite how the Tories and the DUP and Sinn Fein carve up present it.
People will have to wait longer for less in their pensions; the cuts will hit working families hard – impacting adversely on Tax Credits. A blow to local businesses in what is an already very difficult period is inevitable with the extraction of £450 Million pounds from the economy, according to the Institute of Fiscal Studies.”

The Executive are failing the most vulnerable in our society by letting these cuts go ahead in these already very difficult times, People quite simply will not have the disposable income to spend on goods and services to stimulate our economy, therefore the positions of many businesses and services will be compromised. The carve up between Sinn Fein and the DUP in Government are allowing these cuts to go ahead at the expense of  disadvantaged men, women and children of society,  as well as the economy.

A Welfare Information evening will be held at the Fir Trees Hotel on Monday 25th June at 7:30pm.  02871882828

Three guest speakers will be present to talk with the public and to inform the people of Strabane how these cuts will affect our town. Everyone is welcome!

Georgia Ryan White, Policy Officer, Law Centre NW

Pat Durkan, Benefits Manager, NIHE

Jenny Ruddy, Campaigns Officer, Mencap

These cuts are coming; it is in your interest to be there.  

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