Saturday 5 January 2013


Youth Chairperson calls for Council Action

SDLP Youth Chairperson Shane McLaughlin has called on Strabane District Council to recognise the root of the problem in relation to the anti-social behaviour that occurred in Strabane Town Centre last week.

Mr McLaughlin said “The problem with Council is they will only look towards preventative measures for the future, assuming that this sort of behaviour will happen again. I feel Council are failing to realise the best way to prevent this sort of thing from happening again is to find out why it occurred in the first place. I am sure the majority of young people who took part, did so due to boredom or having nothing better to do mostly because council have failed to provide sufficient youth facilities in the town and district for the young people of my generation.

“I would like Council to show they have a vision for young people in Strabane. It is time for Council to respond to the cry of Strabane’s Youth and provide improved facilities and a possible cross-community youth club. This would provide a constructive alternative for the young people of Strabane to put their energy into, instead of congregating around town or being accused of anti-social behaviour”.

“I would suggest that Councillor McCauley use his elected privilege to provide solutions to Strabane’s problems and not wait for certain events to occur to slap the young people of our town as Councillor McCauley did in last week’s paper. As a voice for the Strabane youth I am telling Council to start listening to the young people of this town and stop kicking them at every opportunity.”

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