Thursday 10 January 2013


Big Cheers to the future was the general essence of feeling on Friday night as the SDLP launched a ‘New Beginning’ for the party in Strabane and district. 

 The Launch was held at the Strabane Cricket Club and was kicked off with a night at the races at half nine, followed by a raffle and an auction for the last official bottle of Tyrconnell Whiskey which was distilled to commemorate John Hume’s part in the Peace Process and his Nobel Peace Prize award.    

Newly appointed Constituency Representative Mr Daniel McCrossan said “Friday night was a huge success and was well attended by many people from across the district.  Our new ten member Committee have worked tirelessly to make the event the success it was.  I am confident that this new committee will be the driving force alongside Patsy Kelly, Joe Byrne and myself which will put this party back on the map in Strabane”. 

“I would like to thank all businesses, members, and all our supporters for their generous contributions to the party in a time of financial difficulty. We truly appreciate the support and for making the event possible.  I would also like to thank all those who attended on the night and for joining us on what will be a truly worthwhile journey. It was evident from the large turn out and from the strong support that this party still has a bright future in this district and beyond”.

The special bottle of Whiskey signed by John Hume added to the excitement and good feeling of the evening. At auction the bottle raised a fantastic £1000.00 which was won by Mrs Stephanie Houston, a strong follower and supporter of the party.

Mrs Houston added “I feel truly privileged to have won this fantastic item and wasn’t coming home without it. My father went to school with John and Friday night marked the 20th anniversary of his death. I have a profound respect for Mr Hume for the wonderful work and changes he achieved for our country”.

Joe Byrne said: The night went very well and many who were present took home some fantastic prizes. On Friday night we extended a warm welcome to all who wished to attend and it was evident that the invitation was well received. We provided great food and entertainment on the night and would like to thank all those who helped with that. Thanks again to all who supported us and congratulations to the Houston’s on their great win. 

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