Wednesday 18 September 2013

Byrne expresses sympathy after fatal A5 car crash

SDLP MLA for West Tyrone Joe Byrne has expressed his deep sympathies to the family of a man who died following a crash in Omagh, County Tyrone early on Wednesday morning.

My Byrne said:

 “I was very sorry to hear of the tragic accident on the A5 which lead to the death of one man and which has left four other men injured.

“My thoughts and deepest sympathies are with the family of the man who has lost his life.

 “This accident strengthens my resolve to see that vital improvements are made to the A5 and that the project is completed.

 “One life lost on our roads, is one too many and we need to ensure that we make our roads as safe as possible.”

Tuesday 17 September 2013

Byrne: DARD failing farmers on advanced Single Farm Payment

SDLP Agricultural Spokesperson and MLA for West Tyrone Joe Byrne has slammed DARD and the Minister for Agriculture on Northern Ireland’s failure to get an advanced payment in October on the 2013 Single Farm Payment scheme.

Mr Byrne was commenting following an Assembly debate which touched on the EU Farm Ministers meeting in Brussels that allows for an advanced 50% upfront payment to be made in October on this year’s Single Farm Payment.
He said:
“Northern Ireland appears to be the only region that will not be able to avail of this scheme because DARD administrative systems have once again failed the interests of our farming community.
“Unfortunately the Minister, Michelle O Neill, still doesn’t ‘get it’; quite simply her department is not fit for purpose in how it administers the Single Farm Payment system for the North of Ireland.
“I am deeply disappointed that the Minister fails to acknowledge and accept that the senior management of DARD are not currently capable of effectively managing the EU Single Farm Payments system.
“Northern Ireland’s farmers once again are going to suffer. They will not be getting any advanced payment cheque in October which they are entitled to, but will have to suffer another cash flow crisis this winter.”

Thursday 12 September 2013

SDLP calls for action over illegal tyre dumping

This week the SDLP in Strabane have called for action over illegal tyre dumping, following the recent discovery of a number of tractor tyres dumped along the river walk.

Speaking on the issue SDLP Strabane District Councillor Patsy Kelly said “We were shocked to discover that someone had dumped these large tractor tyres along the river walk. Whoever was responsible for this act has absolutely no respect for the people of Strabane who use this walkway or have no care for the environment that they are actively destroying.”

“This will now be a case of rates payers’ money being spent on removing these tyres and having them disposed of properly. In these times of economic hardship, we cannot afford to waste money cleaning up the mess left behind by criminals.”

Also speaking on the issue was SDLP Representative for the area Liam Stewart who said “After seeing what damage has been done to areas in the past through tyre dumping. I would call on both Strabane District Council and local tyre depots on both sides of the border, to be vigil in regards to where they store their old tyres. Dumping is not the only concern as with Halloween fast approaching certain people will be on the lookout for old tyres to place on bonfires. The smoke from burning tyres is highly toxic so I would appeal for consideration towards residents when planning any bonfires.”

SDLP welcomes improvements to Spout Road in Strabane

This week the SDLP in Strabane have welcomed the improvements to the Spout Road in Strabane.

Commenting on the matter SDLP Strabane District Councillor Patsy Kelly said “I am very pleased to see the work being carried out on this stretch of road. In the last number of months The SDLP Team in Strabane has been contacted on a number of occasions by various Strabane residents, looking for repair works to be carried out as the road was below satisfactory standard.”

“The road was a concern for residents who were worried at the damage being done to their cars when using the road especially as this road can be extremely busy on occasions. The road has been in a poor condition for a long time, with major repair works a priority for the local SDLP team. This scheme will greatly improve the strength and surface quality of the road as part of this important route.”

Tuesday 10 September 2013

Byrne welcomes challenge of Haass talks

SDLP MLA for West Tyrone Joe Byrne says he is relishing the opportunity of engaging in the upcoming Haass negotiations.

This comes after party leader Dr. Alasdair McDonnell announced that Mr Byrne would be joining party colleague Alex Attwood in the negotiations.

Mr. Byrne said:

“I welcome the opportunity to contribute, along with my SDLP colleague Alex Attwood, to tackling some of the most difficult issues that we face in this region.
“The Haass talks will consist of a very challenging agenda focusing on the outstanding issues relating to flags, parades, and dealing with the past.
“The last 12 months have highlighted the dangers these issues present to the political system here and the community tensions that arise as a result of these matters.
“These are some of the outstanding matters parked at the time of the Good Friday Agreement but which now need to be dealt with comprehensively through an all-party inclusive process chaired by Mr Richard Haass, the US Envoy to Northern Ireland.”

Monday 2 September 2013

Minister Visits Strabane, Sion Mills and Castlederg

Last week the SDLP in Strabane invited the new Minister of the Environment Mark H. Durkan to Strabane to visit various areas and meet residents. The Minister was shown areas that the SDLP in Strabane believed could be improved with the help of his department. The Minister also met residents and business owners who discussed what they felt could be done to improve the local economy and create employment.

Accompanying the Minister on his visit was West Tyrone SDLP MLA Joe Byrne who said “The SDLP in Strabane believed that with the New Minister being from the North West, this would be a perfect opportunity to invite him to Strabane and visit the surrounding areas. The Minister held a meet and greet in Strabane but also met with residents in Sion Mills and Castlederg.”

“In Sion Mills the Minister toured Herdman’s Mill and met with the local steering group who had concerns over the prospect of an anaerobic Digester being built on the heritage site. The Minister listened to their concerns and assured them that these would be taken into consideration by himself and his department.

“The Minister then visited Castlederg where he met with residents and business owners. One of their main concerns was derelict buildings in the area affecting business and tourism potential. The Minister agreed and said that this was a problem that the Shop Fronts scheme and the Dereliction fund would be aiming to tackle.”

“Apart from where areas could be improved the Minister was also shown the strengths that Strabane has in terms of tourism and business potential. The Minister enjoyed his visit and agreed that Strabane needed help from Stormont to move forward. The Minister ensured that all he had heard from residents and business owners would be taken into consideration when future funding from his department would be made available.”

Calls for new crash barrier along Strabane Cemetery

This week the SDLP in Strabane have called on DRD Roads Service to fix the crash barrier along the road leading to Strabane Cemetery.   

Speaking on the issue Strabane District Councillor Patsy Kelly said “We are calling for a crash barrier to be replaced along the Strabane Cemetery. This is a serious problem which needs to be addressed immediately by Roads Service”

“The existing crash barrier is inadequate and it must be replaced before there is a serious accident. The dangerous condition of the barrier means that if a car were to run off the road it would not be stopped by the old damaged barrier, resulting in the car going through the fence and a possible tragedy. There is no reason why this should ever be the case and so the barrier should be replaced promptly.”

“If it was fixed in the near future before an accident it would save further costs of having to fix the fence and damage done to the graveyard if a car were to crash into it. I would call on Roads Service to carry out this work as soon as possible.”

SDLP calls for action over Adria Site before Halloween

This week the SDLP in Strabane has called on the owners of the Adria site in Strabane to be secured, before the havoc of Halloween bonfires becomes a problem for residents.

Speaking on the issue SDLP Strabane District Councillor Patsy Kelly said, “The Adria site is still an on-going issue for residents as nothing has been done to secure the site and stop it being the local drinking spot. Continuous stress and frustration is being felt by residents regarding the Adria site and the lack of progress in getting the site secured.”

“The Adria site has been a continuing nightmare for quite a number of months, and with numerous attempts at a resolve failing to amount to any form of acceptable solution. Members of the public in close residence with the Adria site feel in constant battle with the local authorities, they feel that the site in its current condition is a potential risk to their properties and their own personal health and well-being.”

Also speaking on the issue was SDLP Representative for the area Patrick Leonard who said “Many residents live in a constant vigilance of the site in fear of a fire being started that may endanger their homes. The problem stems from young people being allowed easy access to the site and collecting for bonfires. The concern comes not only from the threat of fire but, as many of the bonfires consist of rubber tyres, the potential harm that the smoke fumes from such bonfires can cause especially to many of the older residents living in the area. This now becomes an environmental health issue as the fumes can travel a considerable distance from the site.”

Residents have witnessed that during construction of these bonfires many young people take a considerable risk, building and climbing on top of very high, unstable structures. Something must be done before someone is hurt or worse, killed.”

SDLP call on Housing Executive to take owenership of Fountain Terrace and Innisfree backlanes

This week the SDLP in Strabane has called on the Northern Ireland Housing Executive to take ownership of the Fountain Terrace and Innisfree back lanes, and carry out urgently needed repair works.

Speaking on the issue SDLP Strabane District Councillor Patsy Kelly said “This has been an on-going problem for residents for quite some time. The back lanes behind Fountain Terrace and Innisfree are in a state of disrepair with many residents hesitant to use them in case they fall and hurt themselves. This is especially worrying to the elderly residents whom many have contacted our office with their concerns.”
“I would call on the Northern Ireland Housing Executive to take ownership of the back lanes and to carry out the urgently needed repair work. I have personally visited the back lanes and I was shocked to see how bad the condition had become.”

Also speaking on the issue was SDLP representative for the area Liam Stewart who said “I have been contacted on a number of occasions by residents complaining of the state of these back lanes. Many residents feel that their areas around Fountain Terrace and Innisfree is easily forgotten about by public agencies and authorities and the result is the build-up of weeds and disrepair of areas such as their back lanes. I would hope the Housing Executive will take ownership and carry out repairs as soon as possible.”

SDLP call for clean-up of Sion Mills Public Toilets

This week the SDLP in Strabane have called on Strabane District Council to carry out urgently needed repair works on the Sion Mills public Toilets.

Speaking on the issue SDLP Strabane Councillor Patsy Kelly said “The state of the public toilets in Sion Mills has been a problem for quite some time. Many residents have complained about the toilets being dirty and in need of urgent repair works to be carried out. The problem was highlighted when the SDLP were contacted regarding two busloads of children who stopped to use the toilets but refused, and went elsewhere looking for a toilet.”

“This to me is simply unacceptable. A public toilet should constantly be kept to a standard that is fit to use by any member of the public. For quite some time the unwritten rule among residents in Sion Mills is to avoid the public toilets at all costs. This must be rectified.”

Also speaking on the issue was SDLP representative for the area Jim McIntyre who said “Strabane District Council need to realise that Sion Mills is the first point of call for any tourists heading for Strabane or Derry. The North West has had a massive influx of visitors from all over the world, especially with the City of Culture events and the All Ireland Fleadh. It is not good enough that tourists are refusing to stop in Sion Mills and involve themselves in the village’s heritage due to the poor standard of public toilets. Tourism is a major contributor to the local economy and I would call on Strabane District Council to carry out these repairs with great urgency.”

SDLP welcome new lighting at Ashgrove Park

This week the SDLP in Strabane has welcomed the new street lighting around Ashgrove Park in Strabane.

Welcoming the new Street Lighting SDLP Strabane Town Councillor Patsy Kelly said “I would like to thank DRD Roads Service for the new Street Lighting being placed at Ashgrove Park. We in the SDLP have been lobbying for repair works to be carried out in the area following numerous complaints to us by residents that most of the street lighting was either broken or inadequate.”

“We have now secured not only repair works but brand new lampposts for the area. Residents are very pleased that this will alleviate this long standing problem in the area.”

Also welcoming the new Street Lighting was SDLP Representative for the area Patrick Leonard said “Proper Street lighting in a built up area is very important for a number of reasons, most notably safety. Keeping in mind the recent spate of assaults in Strabane, all that can be must be done to ensure the safety of residents. I would encourage anyone walking at night to be extra vigilant, but adequate street lighting will help keep our streets safe at night.”

SDLP: Residents left in the Muck

This week the SDLP in Strabane have called a piece of land outside homes on the Melmount Road  proximate to the old trust, that has recently been left as a muck hole by the Housing Executive, a complete waste of money and against residents wishes. 

Speaking on the issue, Strabane SDLP Councillor Patsy Kelly said “I have been in contact with residents regarding the refurbishment of this green area on the Dublin Road. It was agreed that all residents had preferred the area be tarred as it would alleviate parking issues.”

“Whilst this is what was agreed amongst residents, the Housing Executive had different plans and has left the area as a muck hole. Many residents feel this is a complete waste of money as if it were tarred it would allow for parking and would not need constant maintenance like grass does.”

“We have been in contact with the Housing Executive and lobbied for this area to be tarred. I would call on the Housing Executive to respect resident’s wishes and use some common sense when coming to a conclusion.”

SDLP welcomes resurfacing to Butcher Street Car Park

This week the SDLP in Strabane has welcomed the resurfacing works to being carried out on the Butcher Street Car Park in Strabane.

Welcoming the news West Tyrone SDLP MLA Joe Byrne said “I am pleased to welcome the resurfacing of Butcher Street Car Park. This has been an issue the SDLP in Strabane has been lobbying for well over a year and finally this work will be is being carried out. This has been a constant issue for residents who believe that a car park so near to the main street must be kept to a satisfactory level. Anyone who uses the car park is left confused as there are yellow lines, white lines and disabled bays all crossing over one another and the worry is that they will get a ticket if not parked correctly.”

“With the Butcher Street car park being so central to many businesses, it should be kept at a satisfactory condition throughout the year. If any potential business owners where to visit Strabane, they would take one look at the condition of the car park and think their business would be better situated elsewhere. That is why these resurfacing works are so important to local businesses and the economy.”