Friday 28 November 2014

Byrne: DARD Minister needs to be active in Europe on Dairy Crisis

Joe Byrne SDLP MLA and vice chair of the Assembly Agriculture Committee voiced his concern over the increasing strain on the dairy industry. Mr Byrne said:

“The time has come for the Agriculture Minister to lead a delegation to Brussels on the current farming crisis within the Dairy Milk Industry.

“For months the price of farm gate milk has dropped to 24/25 pence per litre, about 3 pence below the cost of production. This is causing big cash flow problems for many of our dairy farmers. The Ukraine political turmoil which has resulted in the Russian imports ban on EU food products has depressed milk and dairy produce prices on the world market.

“EU action is now needed on this matter with national and regional governments in order to deal with the milk crisis as it affects farmers. Concerted action is needed, and indeed direct intervention is now required with adequate financial resources to stabilise the market. A private storage scheme of Intervention along with export grants is needed over the next year in order to stabilise the milk market across Europe.

''Dard must give a lead on this issue and by some positive action signal to the farming community that the Assembly and the Department of Agriculture are willing to fight for farmers in London and Brussels.

“DARD indifference on the plight of the dairy farmer is now in question on this issue. Dairy farmers and the Agri sector need to see the Minister of Agriculture, Assembly and DARD dealing with the poor farm gate prices as a current priority. They need to know their interests are being protected at the highest level.''

SDLP: Robbery of four elderly pensioners despicable and cowardly

Detectives in Strabane are appealing for information after four elderly brothers and sisters were robbed in their home outside Clady. The incident occurred yesterday evening when a masked gang entered the property on the Tullymoan Road and held the family up using tools they found in the farm yard.

Joe Byrne MLA Condemning burglary said, “Early Monday morning I learned of the sickening news that four elderly residents living together on a farm in Clady, were left shaken and annoyed following the forced entry and burglary of their home.”

“It is understood that four men entered the house on the Tullymoan Road with a ‘grape’ lifted from the farm yard and threatened the elderly residents who lived there.”

“This was quite simply a reckless attack by four thuggish cowards who quite clearly identified the residents as elderly and vulnerable before targeting their homestead.”

“Sadly an elderly gentleman sustained some minor injuries and force was used with an elderly lady. The four men then made off with a small sum of money in a black car towards Clady.”

“The Christmas period is fast approaching and the dark nights have arrived. I would urge everyone to ensure their homes are secure and to be extremely vigilant when opening doors to strangers, especially in rural areas. If anyone is living next to elderly or vulnerable residents please look in on them and keep a close eye to strange activity.”

“I would strongly urge anyone with information to come forward to the PSNI.”


November 25, 2014

The disgusting and despicable actions of Gregory Campbell and Gerry Adams over the last 48 hours must not extinguish our hope of building a united and shared society.

Our people throughout the North must ask themselves one honest question. What do we want for our children’s future? Do we want our children to suffer the same economic and social depression as we currently endure? Those are hard questions, but one we must seriously consider in order to move our society forward together.

The disrespectful comments by Gregory Campbell do not represent the views of the wider Protestant, Unionist community and the appalling insults hurled by Gerry Adams do not represent the wider views of the Catholic, Nationalist community. Our communities as one are disgusted with the DUP/SF and their divisive point scoring agendas.

As they rip each other apart, we have people dying in their homes and in our hospitals, because we as a society do not have the same access to cancer drugs as the rest of the UK. Unlike the two parties (DUP/SF) cancer does not discriminate and this should be a priority for the Stormont administration. It is quite clear Sinn Fein and the DUP have no intention to put our people first and endeavour to simply hold us all back and starve our children from the futures they deserve.

The poisonous venom engraved into the stone hearts of the DUP/SF extremists can only be extracted by the electorate, our people, who can make the right decision in the next election and vote for the moderate parties. The SDLP alongside the UUP delivered us all the greatest gift of peace and the opportunity to build a united and shared future together; we must not allow SF and the DUP to drag us back!

Send a strong message to the Robinson and McGuinness Punch and Judy show – The SDLP, with its core values of a reconciled people living in a united, just and prosperous New Ireland delivered in the past and will deliver again!

Anne Marie Blee, Strabane

Monday 24 November 2014

Byrne: Time to build the new A5 Bridge between Strabane and Lifford

Joe Byrne, SDLP MLA for West Tyrone, has called on Minister Danny Kennedy to show real commitment to the new A5 road’s project by proceeding with the building of the new bridge across the Finn at the Strabane/Lifford crossing. Joe Byrne made the call following a statement from Minister Kennedy on the recent meeting of the North/South Ministerial Council.

I believe strongly that the two governments must now show real intent towards the A5 project by building this bridge. It would be seen as a positive signal and would reassure the public at this time.

The time has come for DRD and the Department of Transport in the Republic to start construction on the bridge. This is a project which is badly needed for economic development in the North West.

Friday 21 November 2014


SDLP Sperrin Representative Patrick Leonard addressed the SDLP conference last week and demanded that his party make the A5 a priority at the Executive table. 

Conference reaffirms its support for the proposed A5 dual carriageway that will bring a much needed economic boost to employment black spots in the North West such as Strabane and Derry. The A5 will also vastly improve the safety for commuters and help lower the number of fatal collisions on our roads. Furthermore conference calls on all our elected representatives to actively seek assurances from the Executive of their commitment to the completion of this project.

Mr Leonard had this to say:

"I would like to reiterate the importance of the delivery of this infrastructure project to an area like Strabane and Omagh and indeed the entire Northwest.  It is noteworthy to point out that subsequent to the St Andrews agreement this major flagship peace dividend project was earmarked as a national primary route for joint Government support and action."

"The people of my Home town of Strabane and those from Donegal, Derry and the wider West Tyrone constituency considered this project as evidence of a firm commitment to peace and moving forward from our difficult and divisive past. It is therefore extremely disappointing that the Executive seems to have lost sight on previous commitment to what is an essential project and one which potentially could ignite a prosperity process to an abandoned Strabane people."

"Joe Byrne and our growing West Tyrone team are dedicated entirely to the delivery of the A5 transfer corridor, and the many benefits it will bring to the people of the Northwest. Not only will this project deliver major economic benefits and opportunities, it is also important in terms of safety. I know personally of many families who have sadly lost loved ones on this road over the years, such a difficult loss can never be measured, especially when it’s a mother and father losing a son or daughter.  Such tragic loss is devastating for any family to endure. I fully believe that the construction of the new A5 road would greatly improve safety for drivers and reduce the fatalities suffered on our roads."

"As a native of the Northwest speaking on behalf of the Strabane people, we are not prepared to suffer any further disappointment from Government, especially on this project which was promised on the signing of the Good Friday Agreement. I see this project as the greatest opportunity to bring the North West of Ireland to an equal footing in terms of economic investment, with the rest of the province. The people of Strabane are now of the firm belief that we and other towns in the North West have been discriminated against in terms of investment since partition, I say to conference, this MUST happen NO MORE end this trend of neglect."

"I urge our party to lobby the Executive to deliver this vital project, a project which is essential for the betterment of our lives, to save lives and to open the links across this island which in turn will help provide a brighter future for our children and grandchildren here at home."

"The one beacon of light in an ever darkening future must not be extinguished by the dark arts of Government."

The Executive Must Deliver Jobs for Strabane - McIntyre

SDLP Strabane Chairman and Sperrin Representative Jim McIntyre presented the following motion on behalf of the good people of Strabane at this years SDLP conference help last weekend. 

Conference notes that Strabane was, and continues to be an economic black spot in terms of investment and job creation by Central Government. Conference calls on the Northern Ireland Executive to deliver a major public jobs initiative to the Strabane district area in order to tackle the legacy of unemployment in that part of the Northwest.

Mr McIntyre Said:

The current state of the Northern Ireland Economy is so fragile that 2015 will continue to spell disaster and desperate struggle for the survival of many small to medium sized businesses particularly in retailing, construction and the service sector.

Across 2014 we have witnessed the end of many such businesses who simply could not sustain themselves in such harsh economic times. As months pass we continue to witness the end of many large construction companies as they struggle to survive, and more retail business ceasing trading in town centres such as my home town of Strabane. This devastating recession of depression has unfortunately driven well established businesses, in families for generations into administration or bankruptcy.

This devastating economic struggle is being endured by many businesses at this time, continually leading to further bankruptcies, increased unemployment and a growing deprivation throughout our struggling communities communities.

The austerity measures in terms of increased charges for public services and less public sector capital projects being initiated means that the downward spiral of the local economy is only adding to the already very high levels of unemployment and reduced economic activity locally. This will not be helped by the DUP/SF agreed austerity budget which is bad for people and bad for politics.

The big challenge now is for the Northern Ireland Executive to manage its financial resources more effectively in order to focus on some regeneration and targeted capital works programmes to create a local stimulus, particularly for the construction industry. The test now for the Executive is to see if regional Government decision making can be pursued more vigorously in order to get better economic performance.

Tackling the depressing reality of rising unemployment is the biggest challenge ahead for politicians and Government agencies. This is indeed a rising trend in Strabane and has been for decades. Many industries closed its doors and new opportunities of prospects failed to come. Strabane and its people have been abandoned by Government under direct rule and continue that trend under the Assembly.

Last year under the Department of Agriculture’s plans to decentralise 800 jobs from Belfast. The people of Strabane thought delivery had finally come, or so they thought!
In the assessment criteria carried out by DARD, the Strabane district area topped the poll, yes for all the wrong reasons, unemployment, social deprivation, welfare claimants etc. The people of Strabane acknowledged this report as an appreciation by Government of the difficult reality the Strabane people suffer. This report should have meant Strabane was to be the new home to 800 Government jobs, especially considering the area scored a massive 14 points ahead of the Minister preference in Ballykelly with 73 points to 59.

The Sinn Fein Minister decided Ballykelly was the more suitable location yet has failed to explain why in any justifiable way; no business case has been provided after a number of Freedom of information requests.

The people of Strabane are now certain that a dirty deal was struck between the DUP and SF in their continuing efforts to carve up power for party political advantage at the disadvantage of local people.

 My message to SF and the DUP is this, the people of Strabane deserve better and will have better, the days of neglect and being shafted by Government must end and this party, we a party for social justice and equality must act to ensure Strabane gets the delivery it has been starved from and an end to this blatant discrimination. The SDLP can deliver for Strabane and I urge this conference to make that a priority. I urge conference to lobby the Executive to deliver a major jobs boost to Strabane.

Thursday 20 November 2014

The SDLP of Tomorrow - Oilbhea Whorriskey

Since a young age I have always shown an interest in politics. Having my uncle John Hume so heavily involved has meant I have grown up with it. But the fact is, I want to grow up in a society that I would like to see future generations live in. Walking through the doors of the Ramada Plaza last Friday my eyes was opened to a whole new world and experience for me.

This was my first SDLP party conference. There were so many people present in the foyer from the SDLP, some of whom I recognised from the TV. As the day went on I was in and out of the conference room attending many different debates of which I had an interest. It was great hearing many different speakers talk on a wide range of topics, including education and health to name just a few. With this being my first conference, I understood most of what people spoke of and it gave me a better understanding on what actually happens within politics and Stormont.

From the debates I attended, I believed strongly that these people represented my interests and when I get older I feel that things will be better and stronger for us, the youth of today. Seeing all the MP's, MLA's, councillors and representatives of the SDLP was amazing, and to think their ways are exactly what I want. Believing in them in making a better future.

Another great experience to take from the conference was getting my photograph take with different important people. Getting to meet the Lord Mayor of Belfast Nichola Mallon, Fearghal McKinney MLA and Mark H Durkan MLA to name but a few.

This was the first of many conferences for me and I enjoyed it from the start to finish. If I was to take anything from the conference, it would be that everyone has an opinion. But more importantly, the youth's views are vital and with the right representation we can build a better future for everyone

Tuesday 18 November 2014

Byrne: Urgent action required from Minister on legal highs

SDLP MLA for West Tyrone Joe Byrne again raised concerns regarding the lack of action being taken by the Department of Justice to tackle legal highs.

Mr Byrne questioned Justice Minister Ford on the proposals his Department have considered to deal effectively with the widespread use of legal highs which are causing havoc in some of our communities.

Mr Byrne said:

“Minister Ford reiterated that this was a non-devolved issue and that he could not see legislation regarding this issue being passed until after the Westminster Election in May 2015. He said he needed to look at a recent report from the Home Office.

“I pressed him on the urgency for legislation. Also I asked on whether he had meet with his counterpart, Minister for Justice and Equality Frances Fitzgerald in the South regarding the issue.

“The emphasis on the Republic’s new regulations focuses on the head shops and dealers, and if these along with the website were made illegal it would go somewhat to alleviating the issue.

‘The approach of a general ban in the South has had a dramatic effect on their availability. We need to benefit from their experience.

“These legal highs are creating havoc in our society. Parents feel powerless. Young people need to be protected.

“The issue of legal highs in the West Tyrone area has been one that has continued to escalate over the last year and there are fears that if action is not taken soon, there will be severe mental and physical health issues for the local health trust to contend with because of these products, if not deaths.

“People in my constituency are demanding action from their elected representatives and the Department of Justice seem to be placing responsibility on either Westminster or local government environmental health officers. We need leadership from the Department of Justice.

Byrne: Health Service cuts causing havoc

Joe Byrne, SDLP MLA, has reported that the recent cuts by the Western Health Trust affecting the Tyrone County Hospital and the Tyrone and Fermanagh Hospital are cavalier and uncaring to both patients and staff:

“The Western Health Trust appears to be making haphazard decisions in relation to the budget. These decisions are resulting in cuts to front line services and to many nursing and medical staff.

“The most recent announcement regarding a rearrangement of dementia care facilities and the closing of the inpatient challenging behaviour unit is extremely worrying. It is disturbing for specialist staff as well as being totally against the interest of the patients affected.’

“The uncoordinated approach and lack of proper consultation is adding to the anxiety of all concerned. No quality impact assessment is being carried out prior to these decisions.

“I have met today (18th November) at Stormont with other West Tyrone MLA’s and will be working jointly with them on these issues that affect the Omagh community in particular.”

Wednesday 12 November 2014

My Week With the Strabane SDLP - Tamika McCrory

I've recently just finished work experience with the Strabane SDLP team. My week there was fantastic and truly worthwhile and life changing experience. I felt right at home the moment I arrived at the Strabane Advice Centre greeted by the team.

My week included a number of tasks like answering phones, making important calls, filing and attending events outside of the SDLP office and dealing with a diverse range of public concerns and public bodies.

With Joe Byrne MLA and Daniel McCrossan, West Tyrone Constituency Representative I attended a number of local events throughout the Strabane area. I especially enjoyed my visit with residents of Greenfield Residential Home during a recent Coffee morning and the premiere of the Strabane food bank film and to witness first-hand the sterling work by this invaluable local resource.

Before my work experience I had a passionate interest in Politics and I am currently studying it at A Level. Following my week with the Strabane SDLP team and the insight into the invaluable contribution they make in helping local and vulnerable people from all backgrounds, my interest in politics has grown. I am now deeply considering taking politics further into a career. My time spent at the SDLP has shown me that politics isn’t just about being someone important. It’s about helping the people, putting the people in your constituency first and letting them know that someone is there to help, that someone cares! Helping the people of Northern Ireland to reconcile and paving a more peaceful road into a stronger much more prosperous future.

Young people should engage more in democracy! If we had more youth interested in politics then things in Northern Ireland could start to improve more. Young people’s opinions and visions are a lot different now than the generation before. Politics need the voices of young people to express their views, to help change the way politics is and too help intrigue even more youth into the world of politics today.

SDLP Question to Minister regarding out-of-hours GP Services in Strabane

To ask the Minister of Health, Social Services and Public Safety for an overview of the current provision of out-of-hours GP services in Strabane.

The Health & Social Care Board (HSCB) commissions GP Out of Hours (OOHs) services in the Western Trust area from Western Urgent Care (WUC) which operates5 GP OOHs bases including Strabane.

When a patient in the Strabane area contacts GP OOHs services, the service is structured so that they will be seen in the local centre. However, should the situation arise that when a patient contacts the OOHs service and there is no GP available in that centre at that time, then the patient will be provided with an appointment, at a later time, to see a GP at the Strabane centre. WUC make the necessary arrangements to have a GP travel from either the Altnagelvin or Omagh base to see those patients. Should patients wish to be seen sooner they are offered an appointment at the GP OOHs centre in Altnagelvin.

An analysis of activity in the Strabane area shows that from March 2014 until September 2104 there have been 79 occasions where a GP was not in place for the whole of the evening in Strabane. As previously indicated on each of these evenings all patients were offered an appointment in the Strabane centre.

Patients who need to see a doctor or nurse continue to do so within the Northern Ireland Quality Standards depending on the urgency of the case. Furthermore, any patient in the area who requires a home visit will be offered one. It should be noted that access to the Strabane centre is by appointment only, and patients should always ring for advice before attending the centre.

Given the demand being placed on GP OOHs it is essential that patients understand that the OOHs service is designed to deal with urgent calls only and that patients with non-urgent needs are best dealt with during the day at their local GP surgery, via self-care or accessing their local community pharmacy.  

Tuesday 11 November 2014

Byrne: Western Health Trust must put patients first

SDLP West Tyrone MLA Joe Byrne, speaking after attending a health trust briefing, said today that the interests of patients must be foremost in decisions made regarding the merger of wards at Omagh Hospital.

He said:

“I believe strongly that the debate surrounding the trust proposal to merge the palliative care ward with the rehabilitation ward within the Tyrone County Hospital Omagh is a terrible mistake.

“Patients in rehabilitation should not be cared for in the same ward as terminally ill patients and vice versa. It is too disturbing for patients and their relatives.

“Nursing and medical staff need separate facilities in order to cater and care for their patients with very different needs.

“I do now welcome the news today that Western Trust Management are delaying any final decision on this matter until the end of December, pending consultation and getting specific funding for the palliative care service within Tyrone County Hospital.

“It is a pity that the Trust made a premature announcement on the matter last week as it has caused anger and deep pain to staff, patients and their relatives.

SDLP: Putting Our Youth First by Charlie Goan

Politics. Many young people are disillusioned with the idea of politics. "Its just a bunch of people fighting and rioting over flags , parades and the past". Well its much more than that. Its about Health, Education, Housing, Policing and the Economy to only name a few issues. As the youth of today we are the future. The future doctors, teachers , police officers and politicians.

We need to shape our future by increasing our political activity from an early age. If the young people of today decide not to get involved in politics then who will run our country in the future? The SDLP Youth have a lot to offer the people of the Derg DEA and the Strabane District. The SDLP Youth believe in the support of the Irish Language , Student Safety, The Scraping of Tuition Fees and the "One President, One Island" Campaign.

I understand people may be frightened by "Going against the grain" and participating in something seen as uncool or boring but politics can open so many different doors to the youth of today.

It can build confidence amongst the youth and can widen the perspectives of young people. So please feel free to contact the Strabane SDLP Youth or the Derg SDLP where we will be only happy to talk to you about what we can offer YOU as an organisation.  


SDLP: Criminal Justice system must support abuse victims

SDLP: Criminal Justice system must support abuse victims

SDLP MLA’s have called for an urgent overhaul of the criminal justice system in respect of the treatment of victims of abuse which is needed to ensure that victims and survivors receive the support and justice they deserve.

SDLP MLA’s spoke after meeting Deputy Chief Constable Drew Harris in relation to victims of abuse.

West Tyrone Assembly Member Joe Byrne said:

“Over the last number of weeks it has become abundantly clear that the victims of abuse have been failed and failed utterly by the criminal justice system in the North. The actions of the public prosecution service, and subsequently the police, have contributed, in a significant way, to the suffering faced by victims as they are forced to relive the most horrendous abuse inflicted upon them.

“The unjustifiably long delays in bringing cases to trial along with the drawn out nature of preliminary hearings serves only to re-traumatise victims and undermine their confidence in the system. Justice delayed is justice denied and these victims have been denied for far too long.

“It is the bravery of Mairia Cahill and other victims coming forward to tell their stories that has brought this to light once again. I want to pay tribute to their immense strength and selflessness in trying to help other victims. It stands in stark contrast with those who sought to suppress those who have suffered abuse.

“SDLP MLAs raised this with the Deputy Chief Constable today and raised the need to look at laws in England and Wales for tackling abuse. If that framework is more appropriate and delivers justice more appropriately then we should undertake an urgent review of our own arrangements.

“My colleagues and I will also raise the treatment of campaigners like Mairia Cahill and Ann Travers by faceless individuals online with the Chief Constable at the meeting of the policing board this week. The torrent of abuse directed at these very brave women is utterly vile and must become an issue for the police immediately. The police must begin an investigation into the abuse and threats as soon as possible and bring those who think they can hide behind a nameless profile to justice.

“The SDLP will continue to champion the rights of victims and survivors, regardless of who they are.”

Byrne: Budget could be savage for West Tyrone

SDLP West Tyrone MLA Joe Byrne has voiced the fears of people locally on the implications of the draft Stormont budget outlined by the Minister of Finance, Simon Hamilton last week.

‘Real fears now loom in West Tyrone about how the Budget cuts could severely damage local health services provision, the ability of local councils to provide services, further education provision and the future of the A5 road.

‘This budget process was not strategic, transparent or open and will impact on services locally.

‘Although  Health has suffered less than other departments there is still grave uncertainty over the provision of services at a local level as well as those provided by the hospitals in Omagh and Enniskillen.

‘The DOE budget with just over 11% cut has been hit the most thus restricting local council services and affecting the rates support grant which will adversely impact on the poorer rates based councils like Omagh/Fermanagh and Strabane/Derry councils.

‘There is already uncertainty around the budgets for further education and an almost 11% reduction certainly doesn’t ease this pressure. Further skills training could be reduced affecting future employment prospects.

‘I have grave concerns for the A5 road. This must be kept a priority to help regenerate the West. I am writing this week to FMDFM to seek reassurance that this road is still a priority for government given these current budget cuts.

‘The Department of Trade and Investment budget is to be increased but most of the jobs created by DETI although they are to be welcomed, have been largely focussed in the East of the Region.

‘It is important that there is economic equality in public investment and that the West is not disadvantaged when cuts are made.

‘Other parties voted for the budget saying this was the best we could get. There are posters up locally stating ‘FIGHT TORY CUTS’ but the same party by supporting this budget is supporting the Tories and the Treasury diktat.

‘The SDLP believe a better deal could have been done if the finances had been considered as part of the ongoing Talks Process with more analysis and consideration of balanced regional needs.

‘Finally this rushed draft budget, agreed between the DUP and Sinn Fein, could end up being a botched budget which could have severe consequences for many of our people.

Byrne: Easilink provides vital lifeline for rural dwellers

SDLP MLA for West Tyrone Joe Byrne has said that it is vital that the Easilink community transport partnership is supported and maintained.

Mr Byrne was speaking after attending the Partnership’s AGM.

He said:

“This Community Transport Project provides an efficient and flexible service to the Omagh, Strabane and Derry area.

“Easilink is more than a transport service for those who use it. It is a lifeline that not only transports people to vital services like hospital appointments, but also provides a friendly face and a helping hand to and from their homes.

“This service is mainly provided by volunteer drivers.  Thus the service is not rushed and can provide help with small things that can make a difference to the service user’s life.

“I have attended the AGM for the last number of years and the team spirit among volunteer drivers, users and workers is evident. I would like to pay tribute to management of the partnership, including outgoing Chairperson Danny O Hagan and project manager Paddy McEldowney for running an efficient and effective community service.

“I have always been a supporter of community transport and will work with my Assembly colleagues to ensure that DARD and  DRD continue to support this vital community transport system.

“Community transport receives only a fraction of the monies given to support Translink but provide a vital service to meet the needs of rural dwellers, particularly the elderly.”

Ash: Talks with Translink to secure safer journeys for school children

Local Castlederg SDLP representative Marie Ash met with Translink representative last week to discuss issues raised by concerned parents.

Ash: “This successful meeting has ensured that from 10th November steps will be made to address the issues of students standing on school buses. Translink will talk with their drivers to ensure this does not happen.”

Highlighting the recent accident involving a school bus in Co. Tyrone, the representative backed the need for regulatory seatbelts. “While Translink will ensure that all buses are equipped with seatbelts, the difficulty in enforcing their use means that parents will need to remind their children of the importance of wearing a seatbelt.”

Marie & the local SDLP team would ask any local residents who may have any issues to contact the local office 02871882828 or email Marie directly at, we would be more than happy to help.