Tuesday 19 November 2013

Byrne welcomes confirmation of new 'Melvin Footbridge' to go ahead

This week West Tyrone SDLP MLA Joe Byrne has welcomed the news that the new Melvin Footbridge, to connect the Ballycolman and the Head of the Town areas in Strabane, has been given the go ahead to be completed.

Speaking on the announcement Mr Byrne said "I welcome the news that the new Melvin Footbridge is to be given the go ahead for completion. This is good news in terms of investment for Strabane that has lost out on too many occasions, and is good news for the Ballycolman and Head of the Town residents who will benefit from this bridge connecting the two areas."

"For too long the people west of the Bann have been discriminated against in terms of investment, and although this decision does not make up for that, it is a start. I and the SDLP in the Strabane District will be strongly lobbying for more investment like this Melvin Bridge capital project to be announced for Strabane from the Stormont Government."

"The Strabane District unfortunately remains an economic black spot, and only through investment like this from Central Government will this trend be reversed."


West Tyrone MLA Joe Byrne on Thursday night addressed the local Border Poll conference held in the Fir Trees Hotel. Mr Byrne opened his address saying, 'whilst I welcome the debate, is now really the right time for a border poll?'

The SDLP since its foundation over 40 years ago wanted real politics to function in the North to create a better society in terms of social and economic matters for all people.  The ultimate goal would be to evolve into a united, prosperous Ireland where all classes and creeds feel valued, embraced and respected through strong democratic support and foundation..   

The SDLP feel strongly that a premature border poll could be a set back to the aims and objectives outlined and agreed upon in the Good Friday Agreement.  A border poll at this time could merely act as a distraction from the real issues which our people face on a daily basis.  It has already been a difficult and fragile year for community relations across the North, a border poll campaign could reinforce Unionist and Loyalist apprehensions ultimately leading to further division and even violence.

The Good Friday Agreement settled the constitutional status of Northern Ireland and until such times as a democratic decision is taken in the interests of an agreeing majority, we all signed up to that in 1998.

The GFA has the strong authority of the Irish People North and South as evidently expressed in the all-Ireland 1998 Referendum. This was the first time in Irish history we have ever had an all-Ireland Referendum to give legitimacy and political authority to the GFA.

The real challenge since 1998 and presently manifested in terms of the matters considered in the Haass talks, is how do we make devolved Government function here with its associated structures and work more effectively for the betterment of all our people in the North.

My party, the SDLP, prides itself on three key objectives; the need for social justice. What are the major parties in the North doing about creating a fairer society? What are we going to do about the Welfare cuts pressed by the Tory agenda, what are the political parties of the North doing to deliver for these six counties of Ireland?

The need for a real truth and reconciliation process; will the main parties in the North make the ultimate sacrifice in signing up to a real process of reconciliation? Are they up for that challenge or do they simply want to sail on as though the past never happened and allow the hurt and loss to fester. 

The other key objective is centred around growing this regional economy and make this local economy more productive. The economic reality is that the economy of the North depends on an annual subvention from the London Treasury of between eight and ten billion pounds. The reality is that the North needs to be more economically sustainable to make it attractive for a united Ireland to become possible and attractive for the people of the Republic.

Byrne: Cowardly pipe bomb attack could have killed

SDLP MLA for West Tyrone Joe Byrne has condemned those behind what he branded as a 'cowardly' pipe bomb attack in Strabane, which he said could have killed civilians and police officers.

The device, which failed to detonate, was discovered by a member of the public on Saturday who lifted the bomb and moved it to an area of waste ground. A bomb disposal team defused the device and residents who had been evacuated from their houses were allowed to return home at 3am.Police have said it was a deliberate attempt to kill police officers.

Assemblyman Byrne said: "The security alert caused disruption for residents and the community. Nobody wants to see this kind of activity, which could have killed civilians and police officers. Strabane has suffered too much in the past from paramilitary violence, mainly from republicans. No one wants to see a return to those dark days.

"I want to commend the PSNI for their vigilance and professionalism. Anyone with information regarding this incident should come forward to the police as a matter of urgency."


SDLP Election candidate for the Derg DEA, Jim McIntyre has this week called on the Minister for Regional Development and the N.Ireland Executive to reaffirm their commitment to the building of the A5 Roads Project, as an urgent priority. 

Mr McIntyre said, "I would like to reiterate the importance of the delivery of the A5 infrastructure project to an area like Strabane and Omagh and indeed the entire Northwest.  It is noteworthy to point out that subsequent to the St Andrews Agreement this major flagship peace dividend project was earmarked as a national primary route for joint Government support and action."

"The people of wider Strabane district and those from Donegal, Derry and the wider West Tyrone constituency considered this project as evidence of a firm commitment to peace and moving forward from our difficult and divisive past. It is therefore extremely disappointing that the Executive seems to have lost sight on previous commitment to what is an essential project and one which potentially could ignite a prosperity process to an abandoned Strabane people."

"Joe Byrne MLA and our growing West Tyrone SDLP team are dedicated entirely to the delivery of the A5 transfer corridor, and the many benefits it will bring to the people of the Northwest. Not only will this project deliver major economic benefits and opportunities, it is also important in terms of safety. I know personally of many families who have sadly lost loved ones on this road over the years, such a difficult loss can never be measured, especially when it's a mother and father losing a son or daughter. I fully believe that the construction of the new A5 road would greatly improve safety for drivers and reduce the fatalities suffered on our roads."

"As a Strabane native speaking on behalf of the Strabane people, we are not prepared to suffer any further disappointment from Government, especially on this project which was promised on the signing of the Good Friday Agreement. I see this project as the greatest opportunity to bring the North West of Ireland to an equal footing in terms of economic investment, with the rest of the province. The people of Strabane are now of the firm belief that we and other towns in the North West have been discriminated against in terms of investment since partition, at the next election the people of Strabane must take a firm stand and end this trend of neglect, vote for a party who will fight for you!"

"The SDLP will continue to lobby the Executive to deliver this vital project, a project which is essential for the betterment of our lives, to save lives and to open the links across this island which in turn will help provide a brighter future for our children and grandchildren here at home."

"The one beacon of light in an ever darkening future must not be extinguished by the dark arts of Government. Take a stand with the SDLP at the next election, it is time for delivery!"

Wednesday 13 November 2013

Byrne: Sion Mills tourism could be wrecked by Anaerobic Digester

This week West Tyrone SDLP MLA Joe Byrne has questioned the Minister of the Environment over the effect an Anaerobic Digester would have, on the industrial heritage and tourism potential on the village of Sion Mills.
Mr Byrne said "I put a supplementary question to the Minister of the Environment during question time regarding the proposed Anaerobic Digester application in Sion Mills. I asked if he agreed that Sion Mills is a good example of an industrial heritage village and that the tourism potential of an industrial heritage project could be jeopardised if an anaerobic digester were to be sited in the village."
The minister responded by saying "That issue was raised by representatives when I was invited by the SDLP in West Tyrone to visit Sion Mills. I am aware of the history and heritage in the Sion Mills vicinity.  I am also aware of the determination of a group in that community to maximise the benefit of that built heritage to Sion Mills as a tourist destination.  Therefore, I take on board the Member's concerns and those of the community.  However, it will be up to the PAC to assess those concerns."
Commenting on the Ministers response Mr Byrne said "The SDLP in West Tyrone have lobbied the Minister both publicly and privately on behalf of the residents of Sion Mills, to stop this planning permission being given. The SDLP have supported, and will continue to support, the steering group set up to oppose the Anaerobic Digester and prepare for the planning appeal informal hearing. Investment must be put into Sion Mills to increase its tourism potential instead of this anaerobic digester destroying its cultural and industrial heritage."

Byrne: NIE Connection Charge a Rip-off

West Tyrone SDLP MLA Joe Byrne, this week questioned the Minister for Enterprise, Trade and Investment on the scandalous cost being put to consumers to have new homes connected to the electricity grid.
Mr Byrne said "This is a problem that a number of constituents have when they have attempted to have a new home connected to the electricity supply. The costs are scandalous. I asked the Minister if she agreed that there is a gross imbalance when somebody is looking for a new supply of electricity.  I know someone who has built a new house and has been quoted £16,500 for a connection charge even though they live within 90 metres of an adjacent house.  What can be done through the House to make sure that that abuse of power is not manifested in future?"
The Minister responded by saying "I have often said to the House that, when you look at limiting the price of energy, there is a consequence in and around the commerciality of NIE and how it will work in the future.  I recognise what the Member is talking about, because, being an MLA from the west, I, too, have had constituents tell me that they are being asked for hundreds of thousands of pounds to connect to the grid.  However, it is all connected to how much money NIE can invest in the grid and how it is allowed to do that.  It is regulated by the Utility Regulator, and, if the Member wants me to mention it to the regulator, I certainly will do so when I get the opportunity to meet her."
Commenting on the Ministers response Mr Byrne said "Despite the response from the Minister I am still not satisfied. There must be a firm commitment from the Assembly to help the consumers who spend a lot of time and money building a house, only to be hit with a crippling bill from NIE to connect their home to electricity. I will be lobbying for more action to be taken to help consumers."

Eddie McGrady – A man of the people

SDLP West Tyrone MLA Joe Byrne has paid an emotional tribute to SDLP stalwart and ‘man of the people’, the late Eddie McGrady who died yesterday aged 78.

Assemblyman Byrne spoke of how Mr McGrady always put others before his own gain.

Mr Byrne said: “SDLP stalwart Eddie McGrady was a man of the people, giving 50 years of public service to the people of South Down and to political life in Ireland. He was a man of principle, strong faith and dedication to serving the public. He put people first and this won him great support from the electorate. He was a gentleman at all times.

“I have known Eddie for many years and was privileged to work alongside him and serve on the first Policing Board with him. Eddie was SDLP through and through. He was very forward thinking and always put others before his own gain.

“Eddie qualified as a chartered accountant in 1956 with the highest marks of his year in these islands. He was a true professional in anything that he done as an accountant or a politician.”