Thursday 23 May 2013

Byrne: Banks Must Give Urgent Help To Farmers

During a debate in Stormont on Tuesday 21st May relating to Farm Incomes; Joe Byrne, MLA for West Tyrone and Vice-Chair of the Assembly Agricultural Committee, called on the local Banks in Northern Ireland to show more flexibility and outlined the need for extended credit facilities to many farm businesses that are in dire need of help at this time.

During the debate Mr Byrne emphasised the need for banks to recognise the current difficulties that many farmers face due to the weather related problems and the shortage of fodder.

The motion on falling farm incomes proposed by Joanne Dobson MLA (UUP) was amended by Mr Byrne in relation to Bank credit facilities. In reference to the Agri-food strategy report published last week, Mr Byrne called on Minister O’Neill to declare the Executive’s position on the need for £ 400 million pounds of government support over the next 3 to 4 years to kick start the Agri-Strategy for the following 10 years.

Speaking after the debate Mr Byrne stated:

“I put down the amendment relating to bank credit facilities because many farmers are in a precarious position financially, whereby many of them are operating at their credit limit but need further short term credit facilities to deal with fodder and feed shortages.

“My fear is that some banks will not be sensible and sensitive to some farmer’s problems and unfortunately, some farm businesses may go bankrupt.

“I was pleased that it was a mature debate which demonstrated the concern of many MLAs about the current farming situation. We all want to see a farming industry and Agri-Food sector growing and developing over the next 10 years, but we recognise the short term difficulties that we must address to ensure that these farm businesses survive.”

Friday 17 May 2013

Byrne: Great Show cannot mask Crisis in Farming

Irelands largest Agricultural and Food Show and one of the main events in the farming calendar, The Balmoral Show, celebrated its 145th anniversary and this year West-Tyrone SDLP MLA Joe Byrne took part in a special meet and greet.

Mr Byrne was delighted to have the opportunity to meet the shows patrons and discuss their views. While doing so Mr Byrne, who is Vice-Chair of the Stormont Agricultural Committee, was approached by many disgruntled farmers who expressed their views on the farming industry.

Among many topics, Mr Byrne readily discussed at length the current ‘Fodder Crisis’ that is currently gripping the Agricultural Community. Mr Byrne said “Of all the issues that were raised to me, top of the agenda among many farmers was the on-going Fodder Crisis. Many farmers, due to weather conditions, have been left without any feed for their animals”.

“Among those in attendance I met a number of farmers from Fermanagh who have also been struggling to make ends meet, due to the unfavourable weather conditions. Like many they try to remain positive in these testing times for farmers.”

“I have continuously raised the strife that farmers are currently enduring to DARD, Unfortunately DARD are so aloof from reality, they don’t recognise what is going on.”

On a more positive note Mr Byrne and his young SDLP team in attendance, commended the work done by all to make a great show possible. “I have been visiting the Balmoral Agricultural Show since I was a student in Queens in the mid Seventies and have always enjoyed the colour and atmosphere when country people attend this large show annually.”

“The RUAS are to be congratulated on this major development to the new Maze site and hopefully they will be able to enjoy another 100 years of progress and advancement of the farming sector in our economy”. 

Monday 13 May 2013

Byrne questions Finance Minister over Economic Merit of Decentralisation

This week West-Tyrone SDLP MLA Joe Byrne has questioned the Minister of Finance and Personnel, Sammy Wilson, regarding the economic merit of Government Departments decentralising to various areas of Northern Ireland.

Mr Byrne said “In the Chamber during Question Time I asked the Minister for Finance and Personnel, Sammy Wilson, does the Minister still favour the economic merit of Northern Ireland having some decentralisation.”

“In response to my question The Minister said it was up to individual Ministers to decide what their Departments most needs and what opportunities are available. If there is to be a relocation or dispersal of jobs, this is usually best done when a new function comes on to the books rather than looking at existing functions. However, there may well be occasions when existing functions can be relocated. As far as the Minister is concerned, that is a responsibility not for The Department of Finance and Personnel, or the Executive, but for individual Ministers.”

“I have been an advocate for decentralisation for many years, and I believe it is time Central Government began to invest in areas outside of Belfast. Many areas, especially in West-Tyrone, have long suffered from discrimination of investment by Central Government since partition.”

“This answer also reveals to me that the decision to send 800 DARD jobs to Ballykelly, despite Strabane topping a poll of where these jobs were most needed, was a political decision made solely by Sinn Fein and the DARD Minister Michelle O’Neill without even a business case being created. The people of Strabane deserve a proper, transparent answer to why this decision has been made.”


An issue has been brought to our attention regarding the graffiti which has been daubed across the hoarding at a main entry to Strabane town. This is one of three locations where these large letterings have been identified. The SDLP office in Strabane has received a number of complaints regarding this issue from a number of constituents, business owners and various town centre regeneration groups. There have been considerable attempts made over the last number of months to clean up the Strabane town centre and make our town presentable, welcoming and attractive to investors and visitors.

We would hope that the Chairman of the RNU following his statement in last weeks paper, will agree that we as Strabane residents need to promote this town at this extremely challenging economic time. Strabane has suffered significant levels unemployment, deprivation and neglect for decades. The people of Strabane must come together and work in the interests of this area and the interests of local people especially our young people, many of which see no future here now.

We in the SDLP are extremely concerned for the future of our young generations and feel it is our duty alongside many others to do our upmost, in fighting to ensure some stability for the people of Strabane. We note that the RNU have intentions of standing in future elections. We also note that Mr Bonner and others in the RNU have been representing various residents in your area in recent times; referenced in the recent statement to the Strabane Chronicle. It is anybody’s right in a democratic process to stand election and represent those in need. We in the SDLP will never stand in the way of democracy and the right to representation. We in the SDLP have not singled out the RNU in recent weeks, or in the past. We in the SDLP have no personal issue with Mr Bonner or other members of the RNU. We have little concern with the practices or representations made by the RNU and have no intention of getting involved in tit for tat political point scoring with them.

We in the SDLP are here for the betterment of local people and it is our intention to provide the people of this district with the representation they have been starved from. It is this party’s intention, as a new SDLP to provide a strong voice for Strabane and its people. We believe little has been done for local people and we also believe more can and will be done in the future for the betterment of local people. This is quite simply about the futures of our children across this district and about providing and fighting for the opportunities Strabane deserves.

What we do take issue with is anyone, or any organisation going out of their way to deliberately and intentionally place graffiti on any area in Strabane. We in the SDLP have condemned any vandalism or abuse of our town centre in the past. The SDLP did not only condemn the recent vandalism by RNU. We have been active in cleaning up the town centre for a long number of months alongside the Strabane Chamber of Commerce, the District council and the town forum.  This is about Strabane and its people; it’s about providing opportunity and delivering much needed change. This is something we would hope the RNU would agree with.

In the RNU’s article to this paper last week the group seemed offended that we in the SDLP, amongst many Strabane residents have described these recent illustrations as vandalism or graffiti.

For the interests of the RNU Vandalism may be defined as:
Action involving deliberate destruction of or damage to public or private property.

Graffiti may be defined as:
Writing or drawings scribbled, scratched, or sprayed illicitly on a wall or other surface in a public place:

Following these definitions and considering the recent acts on the three locations, we as representatives of the Strabane district and Strabane people stand by our comments as placed in the local media a few short weeks ago regarding the wrongful vandalism by the RNU. The writing which appeared clearly on private property is by all accounts an act of vandalism and graffiti; not to mention a criminal offence. It appears unwelcoming and intimidating to residents and visitors alike and portrays a poor image for our town centre.

We have no issue with the RNU expressing themselves or representing people as stated earlier. However, we must ask what benefit painting these letters on busy locations in the town centre will have? It simply causes annoyance and damages the overall image for Strabane. I refer to all vandalism by any individual or organisation, and not just the RNU. 

If the RNU are intending on representing and defending the people of this town, we would urge them to reconsider their advertising procedures. If they are intending on representing local people and acting as role models for local people this is a very poor example to be setting.
In the interests of the town and the interests of the town’s image, I am sure as any reasonable man would agree that placing large lettering on main entry points to the town, benefits no one.
Surely it is in the interest of everyone to clean up our town and make it attractive as well as welcoming to investment, and the many opportunities investment brings with it.

If the RNU still feel the need to meet with local SDLP representatives, our public offices are open Monday to Friday and an appointment can be made.


Wednesday 8 May 2013


Reacting today to the fresh news that the Farm-Aid Scheme is still not finalised or agreed by the executive, Joe Byrne SDLP MLA said:
“I have just learned that the weekly Executive meeting is cancelled and the special ARD committee meeting that was to take place afterwards has also been cancelled.
“I have been contacted by some farming representatives who are asking me why the continued delay in the farm aid scheme being allowed to happen without any degree of urgency by DARD.
“The handling of this issue by DARD is now becoming a joke but unfortunately the farmers affected by it do not find it funny. 
“I am now calling on Minister O’Neill to grasp the nettle and get this Farm-Aid Scheme finalised and cash aid payments made to farmers without any further delay. It is unacceptable that suffering farmers have still seen no cash aid payments after seven weeks since the poor weather.”

Successful SDLP West-Tyrone Constituency Meeting held in Mellon Hotel

West-Tyrone SDLP MLA Joe Byrne has highlighted the success of the recent West-Tyrone Constituency meeting held in The Mellon Country Hotel last Thursday night.

Mr Byrne said “The West-Tyrone Constituency Meeting is held once a year and is attended by the Omagh Branch and the Strabane Branches. The meeting is held to discuss what is currently happening at Branch level and what can be done to strengthen all Branches across West-Tyrone.”

“During the meeting we had many contributions from volunteers and members on how they and others have been contributing to their various Branches, while our councillors gave an update on their future strategies at Council level.”

“We were also very pleased to welcome our guest speaker on the night, Fine Gael TD for Donegal North-East Mr Joe McHugh. Mr McHugh has a keen interest in West-Tyrone due to his constituency’s border with our own. Mr McHugh expressed his commitment towards cross border co-operation, especially in terms of health provision with a cross-border Air Ambulance service and tourism. Tourism is vital to both Donegal and Tyrone in terms of generating revenue. A tourist visiting Tyrone will want to visit Donegal and vice versa, so selling the tourist value of both Tyrone and Donegal is vital for business.”

West-Tyrone Constituency Representative Daniel McCrossan added “The Constituency meeting is also a chance for ideas to be put forward that can help make areas like Strabane, a better place to live for residents. I was so pleased to see a full house at the meeting which shows there are a lot of people who feel very passionate about their area. The wide range of attendees from young people to senior citizens and new members to experienced members, all enjoyed the speakers and debates held on the night”. 

SDLP welcomes pay-day loans warning over ‘ Irresponsible lending’

The Strabane SDLP District Executive has strongly welcomed the news that the UK’s 50 biggest pay-day lenders are to be given 12 weeks to clean up their industry or face being shut down.

SDLP Spokesperson Patrick Leonard said; The SDLP strongly welcome this move which is a big victory for all of those who have been campaigning for intervention in the high-cost credit market, which is often uncompetitive and exploitative, and has seen pay-day loan companies charging annual interest rates of up to 4,000 per cent per year.

“This kind of lending – where greedy and unscrupulous loan companies prey on the financially excluded by offering easy credit at extortionate rates – has tipped so many people across the Strabane District and throughout the North into inescapable cycles of debt and poverty.

“Whilst home-credit agencies, moneylenders and loan sharks are not a new phenomenon, in the current economic downturn they have become more prevalent, more pernicious and more profitable.

“SDLP MP’S have sponsored motions at Westminster, spoken during Commons debates and have lent full support to campaigns urging the government to introduce a legal cap on the amount of interest that can be charged by pay-day loan companies.

“People in my district are suffering enough at this difficult time, It is only right that steps are taken to protect some of the poorest borrowers in society, rather than allow them to be exploited, Mr Leonard Said.

SDLP Warn Strabane District Homeowners About 'Oil Theft'

In recent months rising fuel prices have sparked off oil theft, the local Strabane SDLP has said.

People across Strabane District are being warned to be on "high alert" with regards to possible oil-theft in their homes.

A party spokesperson said that while the thefts are occurring "across the district" he assumes "it hits the elderly and single mothers much more".

The SDLP would advise homeowners to "do what they can" to make it more difficult for thieves to steal from their oil tanks.

Last week a single mother of four had her oil tank drained at her Glenview Park home. When the Mother refilled her tank it was drained once more two days later with the cap of the tank stolen also.

She described the spates as "terrible" and added "you're trying to raise a family you're trying to keep your home going in times which are already financially difficult, paying your way to keep your family warm and then this happens".

SDLP Representative, Daniel McCrossan said that criminals were targeting the elderly and vulnerable young families in order to "cash in" on rising oil prices. It has even been advised that those behind the thefts may be following oil trucks to the homes of such people and then returning to drain the tank.

Mr McCrossan said that some "desperate people" are turning to crime rather than pay for rocketing prices for heating oil.

"We believe the situation could get worse if the prices keep going up so people should be aware of the threat to their oil," he said.

Heating oil customers are advised to use all possible security measures such as tank locks to safeguard their supplies against this kind of crime.

If you have been the victim of a heating oil theft, please contact the PSNI and report these crimes.

SDLP women’s group committed to empowering others!

“Leonie Wray, spokesperson of the SDLP Strabane Districts women’s group said, ‘the AGM of the SDLP Women’s Group was held in Derry on Thursday night and we as a party were delighted to see such a great attendance. I was particularly heartened to see such a good turnout from quite a number of younger women in the party who are extremely engaged in the political process.

“I would like to wish our new chairperson, Angela Dobbins the best of luck in her new role and also acknowledge the terrific work of the outgoing chair Cllr Bernie Kelly. Bernie has over the years put her shoulder to the millstone and has highlighted the importance of the role of women within our party.

“Through her and other likeminded members, our constitution and policies have been amended so that SDLP can become a party promoting gender equality.

“I aim to continue with this task and I hope that women in our party and in our constituencies have a voice, a voice that will raise the issues most affecting women.

“It is not only gender inequality that has an effect on women but recent welfare reform will undoubtedly hit the person in the household who juggles the bills, the one who has an unaccredited degree in finance and accounting, the person who is likely to be a woman. The women of the Derg are more than welcome to join the women’s group, we look forward to seeing our new recruits at our next meeting.  

SDLP welcome planned repair works for Meetinghouse Street Roundabout

This week the Strabane SDLP has welcomed the commitment of the Northern Ireland Housing Executive, to the repair of the walkway around the Meetinghouse Street Roundabout.

SDLP Constituency Representative Daniel McCrossan explained, “The footpath around the Meeting House Street roundabout has been in a state of disrepair for quite a number of years. When the trees were first planted the Housing Executive put down cobbled bricks around them. Over the last number of years the bricks have started to become dislodged and are a worrying health and safety concern for local residents.”

“The health and safety of residents and the general public was our greatest concern. Our office has been contacted on numerous occasions by residents who have fallen and been badly hurt on the cobbled bricks. The footpath is in close proximity with two Primary Schools and a local church. The SDLP in Strabane has had a number of meetings regarding the issue with Housing Executive officials. Our office had been assured on a number of separate occasions that this work would be completed.”

“We have now pressed the Housing Executive for a firm commitment to the much needed repair work. I am now happy to report the Housing Executive has given this commitment and work is scheduled to begin in the next number of months. The Housing Executive has confirmed that the bricks will be removed and replaced with grass. The whole area will be landscaped in due course. The SDLP in Strabane believe these will safe guard the health and safety of residents and the public in the future.”


SDLP Agricultural spokesperson and Vice-Chair of the Committee for Agriculture and Rural Development Joe Byrne has expressed his deep frustration at the slowness of aid payments to farmers:

Mr Byrne said:
“I am dismayed that almost seven weeks after the severe spell of weather the Minister for the Agriculture and her Department has failed to pay out a single aid payment to struggling farmers.
“The Minister needs to explain why the Department has not provided support to farmers in a more speedy fashion. I will be putting that to her at a specially convened meeting of the Agriculture and Rural Development Committee this week.
“The Minister has presided over a shambolic system of aid payments with suffering farmers having to jump through a number of bureaucratic hoops in the hope they might avail of financial assistance.
“Hardship payments are not going to come through until June and for farmers struggling to pay meal bills at the end of this month this is totally unacceptable.
“I will be requesting that the Minister pay an emergency minimum cash payment of £2000 to farmers who have accessed the Department’s helpline and been verified. The Minister must act urgently to provide relief for the farming community who are still picking up the pieces of the poor weather spell and trying to pay their bills.”

Kelly – DARD Minister cannot buy off Strabane

SDLP Strabane councillor Patsy Kelly has welcomed the 40 new DARD jobs that Minister O’Neill has promised to the town, but has raised questions regarding her decision to relocate DARD 800 jobs to Ballykelly.

Patsy Kelly said: “Whilst I welcome these forty new DARD Direct jobs to Strabane. There are questions which still remain over the allocation of 800 DARD jobs to Ballykelly. Strabane has suffered from years of underinvestment, we have problems with high unemployment and deprivation. The move of DARD jobs to would be a massive boost to the local economy and spark off regeneration of the town.

“The Minister advised the Assembly in January that her decision was based various socio-economic factors, including deprivation and unemployment levels. This is direct conflict with the evidence presented to her by departmental officials. Strabane outscored all other potential locations, including Ballykelly, on a range of criteria set by her officials for the location of the DARD jobs. The Minister then proceeded to relocate jobs to Ballykelly without presenting the evidence or a business case for this decision. Four months now, we are still waiting on that business case to be presented.

“The Minister cannot simply buy off Strabane with forty jobs, we deserve better than this. The Minister cannot hide away from the evidence that her own department provided to her to relocate the 800 jobs to Strabane. I will continue to press the Minister to present her evidence to deny Strabane these jobs. ”

SDLP welcome repair work to footpaths in Victoria Bridge

This week the SDLP in Strabane has welcomed the repair works currentlybeing carried out on a number of footpaths in the Victoria Bridge area.

SDLP representative Mary McCrossanhas welcomed the repair works and said “The footpaths in question have been inneed of repair for quite some time. Our office on Butcher Street and ourrepresentatives on the ground have been contacted on numerous occasions byresidents, regarding the state of the footpath and the dangers it currentlyposes. The footpaths are very well used by residents both young and old.”

“The footpaths were cracked andstarting to break up around the edges. This posed quite a serious health andsafety hazard for anyone using the footpaths.”  

“Following contact with DRD RoadsService, I am pleased to see the work to repair the footpaths in question beingcarried out. These repair works will have a significant improvement on thequality of the footpaths in Victoria Bridge especially in terms of usabilityand safety. I hope these works will help to secure the future health and safetyof residents in Victoria Bridge.”   

SDLP carry out survey of Urney Road Area

In the last number of days the Strabane SDLP Team have been going door-to-door in order to complete a survey the party is carrying out in the Urney Road area.

SDLP Constituency Representative Daniel McCrossan explained, “Our office has been inundated with complaints regarding a play facility for children in the Urney Road, Castletown Court, Carricklyn Avenue and Jefferson Court areas, along with other areas in the vicinity. We decided to carry out a door-to-door survey in order to gather information and attain the views of all residents in the area on this issue.”

“The response we received was almost completely in favour of a play facility for children in the area, as many residents must travel to other areas in Strabane and even as far as Derry or Letterkenny to use a play park. The SDLP team believe that as rate payers, residents are fully entitled to a play facility in their area. Unfortunately as we carried out the survey it was made very clear that no provision had ever been made, when the houses were being built, for a play area for children.”

“Residents raised various issues, but most concerning was that of children having to play on the road, and fears they may be hurt by a passing car. The SDLP representatives and our elected Councillor Patsy Kelly, who carried out the survey, will now use the information gathered to lobby Strabane District Council and other relevant authorities for the placement of a community run play facility for children in the area.”

Children's lives at risk!

This week the SDLP in Strabane has called for the Department of Regional Development to act before a tragedy occurs at a local primary school.

West-Tyrone MLA Joe Byrne said “The SDLP in Strabane is greatly concerned with the traffic flow outside of St. Anne’s Primary School, during both the morning and evening school runs. Our office on Butcher Street has been inundated with parents, terrified in case a child is badly injured or worse to speeding traffic.”

“In the area there are two Primary Schools and a local church which brings a lot of traffic flow especially in the morning. We have witnessed the traffic problem for ourselves and were shocked at how dangerous it actually was. We have contacted DRD Roads Service on a number of occasions an insisted on action being taken but any meaningful precautions has yet to take place.”

West-Tyrone SDLP Constituency Representative Daniel McCrossan said “The area is an absolute death trap at peak traffic times. When the children are leaving the school they must manoeuvre around both parked cars and moving traffic, whilst parents and residents watch on in the hope that no one is hurt. We have been informed the school crossing patrol officer has also had a few near misses whilst trying to safe guard the children.”

“This is simply not good enough, and the SDLP believe the health and safety of our children should be of paramount importance to any public body. We have raised this to Roads Service on a number of occasions, yet have been constantly told the area is as safe as it needs to be. We believe this is the wrong attitude and I would call on Roads Service to take action before it’s too late.”

West Tyrone SDLP Lobby for A5 Road

This week the West Tyrone SDLP has been lobbying to get Regional Development Minister Danny Kennedy, to ring fence funding for the proposed A5 Western Transport Corridor.

West-Tyrone MLA Joe Byrne stated “The SDLP in West-Tyrone is fully committed to delivering the A5 for the people of the North West. I have been lobbying for the building of this road since the signing of the Good Friday Agreement over 15 years ago. I see this as the greatest opportunity to bring the North West of Ireland, to an equal footing in terms of economic investment, with the rest of the province. I have stated many times that areas in the North West, especially towns like Strabane and its people, have been discriminated against in terms of investment since partition in 1921.”

“The A5 is not only important in an economic sense, but also in terms of safety. I know personally of five families who have lost loved ones on this road. It is a terrible tragedy for any family to endure, and I fully believe that the construction of the new A5 road would greatly improve safety for drivers and reduce fatalities suffered on our roads.”

West-Tyrone Constituency Representative Daniel McCrossan followed on by saying “This road is not only essential at present, but is essential for our future and the future of our children and grandchildren. This road will bring jobs to an area that has seen very little effort made by central government to reduce unemployment. The one beacon of light in an ever darkening future has now been extinguished due to the ridiculous management of the DRD.”

“I would call on the Minister Danny Kennedy to ensure the A5 funding is ring fenced, and all possible efforts made to bring forward the start date for construction. The Minister must realise that the people of the West deserve better!”       

SDLP welcomes Poots decision on Residential Homes

SDLP MLA Joe Byrne has welcomed the decision from the Health Minister Edwin Poots to reverse the proposals in closing of residential care homes.

The West Tyrone MLA said: “I have been deeply concerned by the anxiety and distress that elderly residents of Greenfield residential home have felt in regards to the minister's poor management of the situation and his apparent disconnection with the health trusts.

“The minister needs to start asking fundamental questions about how the trusts were able to take steps in implementing proposals, which were in direct conflict with the departmental policy contained in the Transforming Your Care document. The SDLP have had concerns in regards to this policy and will be calling on the minister to bring forward legislation to prevent the stealth privatisation of the health and social care system.

“Whilst I welcome this belated decision by the minister to take steps in order restore public confidence in his department. There are serious questions which still need to be answered by the minister in regards to this policy and his departments communication with the health trusts senior management."

Byrne: Greenfield home must be retained

Joe Byrne SDLP MLA for West-Tyrone talking about the Greenfield Residential Home issue, in a statement said “The SDLP in Strabane and myself as an MLA for West-Tyrone have been working tirelessly for two days on the issue of Greenfield Residential Home which the Western Care Trust seem hell-bent on closing. A team of SDLP activists in Strabane and me visited Greenfield home on Wednesday night and met residents, their families, as well as the staff. We also met the Health Trust Management team dealing with residential home care across West-Tyrone.”

“On Thursday, four of us travelled to the Trust Headquarters in Altnagelvin in Derry, and we handed in two official letters about the residential home to the Chief Executive of the WCT and the Chairperson of the board.”

“The letter emphasises the need for the Trust to recognise the case for retaining a publically owned residential home in Strabane. The long term residents of Greenfield Home and their families need the support of the community to halt the possible closure of this home. I would contend that the Trust should carry out a full analysis and evaluation in order to ensure that all possible options are fully examined, to try and keep this residential home within the public service provision for healthcare.”

“As a political party the SDLP are committed to the residents and all concerned with Greenfield Home. The residents and staff should not have to experience the current uncertainty regarding their future, just because Trust management have decided to be cavalier and insensitive to the community’s needs. We must fight even if it means meeting the First Minister and deputy First Minister. The Minister for health Mr Poots must restrain the Health Trusts management in their ulterior motives for closing these residential homes.”