Tuesday 22 January 2013


Byrne Questions DARD Minister on Burger Scare.
Joe Byrne SDLP MLA and Agriculture spokesperson this week questioned the practices of the food processing sector where horse DNA was found to be in some beefburgers on sale in Britain and Ireland.
Speaking today regarding the burger contamination issue, Mr Byrne said; “after phone calls from concerned farmers, I have submitted an urgent question to the DARD Minister Michelle O’Neill seeking an explanation on what DARD intend on doing in relation to the marketing of beef burgers in the North of Ireland, which could potentially contain traces of horse DNA.
I believe that DARD must strenuously investigate this very important issue and give particular attention to the function and operation of meat processing plants, particularly in ensuring that high standards of food processing and safety are adhered to.
Many consumers and indeed the farming industry require reassurance by the Governing authorities that the highest standards of food production and safety are maintained when it comes to the marketing of food products in supermarkets.
The Northern Ireland food industry is greatly dependant on its quality assurance reputation. Therefore, consumers local and otherwise must be reassured.
The farmers of this region work extremely hard to produce quality food produce, which affords traceability of all their produce. Farmers are angry that meat plants that often pay lower farmgate prices are not as vigilant as they should be in their processing methods. This current beef saga is not related to farming practices but related to food processing plants that may have used some imported products in the production of their burgers.
 Mr Byrne, Vice Chair of the Assembly DARD Committee concluded by stating ‘Our £4 billion agri-food industry must not be jeopardised through any poor practices of the food processing sector. Our Northern Ireland Economy depends on exporting 80% of all food produced here. Quality assurance must be the motto of all concerned’.

Kelly: Minister must clarify future of Strabane Housing Executive office!

SDLP Strabane councillor Patsy Kelly said the Social Development Minister must provide clarity regarding the future of the Housing Executive office in Strabane.

Cllr Kelly said the office was vital for tenants and staff alike.

He was speaking after the announcement that the NIHE was to lose landlord status for the 90,000 homes under its care.

He said: “I’m calling on the Minister for Social Development Nelson McCausland to clarify the future of the staff at Strabane Housing Executive office.

“Will Strabane be designated landlord function? How will that be selected? What are the implications for existing Housing Associations? What work if any will be done to allay the fears of local NIHE staff whose morale is at an all-time low and stress at an all-time high given the inevitable impact of Welfare Reform on housing and on jobs in Housing Benefit?

“The Strabane office is a vital link for people in housing need where they can have face-to-face discussion with people they know and who are best placed to help them. There have been rumours that there will be a local hub set up and that the new hub which will cover Strabane will be based in Derry. This needs clarity immediately.

“Many people who need the local office simply cannot afford to travel to Derry or even further afield to tackle problems they may have with housing.

"NIHE has performed a hugely important role for over 40 years and has, in the main, done so with distinction.

“This decision has caused no little amount of fear, anxiety and stress to local people and staff. That cannot continue.”

Cllr Rosemarie Shields Welcomes Community Funding for Carrickmore

Mid-Tyrone SDLP Councillor Rosemarie Shields has welcomed the assurance from the Electricity Supply Board, that they will be providing a community fund for the residents of the Carrickmore area. Money for the community fund will be generated through Crockagarran Wind Farm on the Whitebridge Road in Carrickmore.

Cllr. Shields said “I am delighted to announce that I have secured a commitment from ESB to provide a community fund for the benefit of the residents of the immediate area. This will consist of a minimum £25,000 per annum and will be released in the first quarter of 2013.”

“In the current economic climate all funding is being cut in an attempt to save money. These cuts will have a detrimental effect on organisations within the community, in being able to provide much needed services.  I know these wind farm community funds will be a vital source of income for hard-pressed voluntary and community groups, allowing them to continue their work within the Carrickmore area.

“I would urge everyone in the area to watch out for notification in the local press and take full advantage of the funding being made available. If anyone would like further help with applying for funding please do not hesitate to contact myself at home or through the Omagh SDLP Advice Centre at 9B Dromore Road, Omagh or call 028 8225 0060.”


Byrne Questions Minister on Single Farm Payment Delays

Joe Byrne SDLP MLA and Deputy Chair of the Committee for Agriculture and Rural Development questioned the DARD Minister in a debate on SFP in the assembly on Tuesday 14th January on the delays in SFP that are affecting many farmers in the region.

He said that ‘the SFP is the farmer’s entitlement not a bonus or benefit and is the largest item of revenue that the farmer receives. Delays in payments due to slow processing have a knock on affect as farmers will generally need to buy or owe money for feeds and fertilisers. Delays add pain and frustration to farmers and their suppliers who are all being put under pressure by banks.’

‘Farmers want the Minister to take urgent steps to alleviate the farmers’ problems in relation to and particularly those who have experienced delayed and repeated inspections and consequential delayed payments.  In many cases these are not the fault of the farmer.’

The local economy is also dependent on these payments as when the farmer gets the money it will go into the economy and generate more spending.

Acute Mental Services Must be retained in Omagh!

In response to the closing of the consultation period on Transforming Your Care Joe Byrne SDLP MLA for West Tyrone has urged the Minister to retain acute mental health services in Omagh.

In his submission he puts forward the view that there is no medical evidence to support having acute mental health services next to an acute hospital. He said ‘When the decision was made to build an acute mental health unit as part of the new enhanced hospital in Omagh the decision to remove the acute medical services had been made. Therefore this was not part of the consideration at this time. I ask the Minister what has changed.

In making a response to the document he states that ‘the Tyrone and Fermanagh Hospital has served the people of the area for over 100 years and indeed has built up medical and nursing expertise in this area.’

This decision is crucial in determining the role and viability of Omagh’s enhanced hospital and to retain the confidence of the local people in Tyrone



West-Tyrone Constituency Representative, Daniel McCrossan, this week applauded the efforts of local business man Pat Kirk on his launch of the electric car!

Mr McCrossan said; “it’s great to see that a local business man has decided to push the positives of going green and launch the electric car to the Strabane public. Plug-in electric vehicles have many benefits; they use no petrol or diesel. With fuel prices being a cause of concern to many, the switch to electric vehicles is becoming more appealing for its green edge.”

Unfortunately there is currently no public charge point in the Strabane District. With all the benefits an electric vehicle brings, it is unacceptable that residents of the Strabane District have not yet got this facility to avail of. Green Efficiency must be made a priority and the benefits of the electric car must be promoted throughout the district. I have contacted the relevant departments in relation to these issues and look forward to a response.  
“To encourage people to buy and use electric cars, the Government is offering grants of up to £5,000 towards the purchase of a plug-in car. This is a great incentive for motorists, especially if they are concerned about the higher initial costs of an electric car.”

“Furthermore the government has recently announced a grant for electric vans. Purchasers will be able to receive 20 per cent - up to £8,000 - off the cost of a plug-in van which meets the government’s criteria. This will be of great interest to businesses, which can now save on the up-front purchase price of vans as well as on running costs.”

“Although electric vehicles are more expensive to buy, they have significantly lower running costs when compared to petrol or diesel equivalents. It works out that depending on when and how an electric vehicle is charged it will cost 2-4p per mile. This compares to 10-14p per mile for an equivalent petrol or diesel vehicle. That’s an average saving of £900 for every 10.000 miles.”

“Since electric vehicles have no tail pipe carbon emissions, they are therefore exempt from car tax. They also have very few moving parts therefore they require very little maintenance. These are considerable cost savings, especially as cars get older.”

“The benefits of switching to an electric vehicle are huge, especially in terms of savings.


SDLP MLA and Party Chairman Joe Byrne has said that the destruction of the Northern Ireland Housing Executive is a disastrous move which will affect thousands of people and put a question mark over the principles which underpinned NIHE.

15th January  disastrous 

The West Tyrone MLA was speaking before the Assembly reconvened from its Christmas break.

He said: “for over 40 years, the Housing Executive stood as the mainstay of ensuring housing allocation based on need and not on creed.

“The principles which underpinned its foundation were both noble and necessary, as much now as in 1971.

“It is not a perfect organisation – there were and remain improvements which need to be made to ensure its effectiveness and efficiency and it was that, rather than its destruction, which my colleagues Margaret Ritchie and Alex Attwood had in mind when they examined the need for a review.

“However, Nelson McCausland’s decision to axe the Executive is disastrous for thousands and, in tandem with his shameful actions in relation to Girdwood last year, raises many questions about the Minister’s commitment to housing allocated on the basis of proven need.
“As of Friday afternoon, the Minister was also refusing to give an oral statement to the house in addition to his written statement of last week, flying in the face of specific advice from the Speaker that he should appear in person to face MLAs on the topic.

“I have called his actions cowardly, and I see no need to revise my opinion.

“My Party Colleague Mark H Durkan, has tabled an urgent oral question for the Minister which I am hopeful of being selected if the Minister refuses to come before the house of his own volition.

“The people of Strabane who are in in need of social housing deserve nothing less than an efficient, effective, well-managed housing authority which will protect them from inequality. The Minister should be helping NIHE to improve, not implode.”

Byrne calls for retention of Greenfield Residential Home!

West-Tyrone SDLP MLA Joe Byrne has called for the retention of Greenfield Residential Home in Strabane.

Mr Byrne said “Greenfield home is a long established statutory home which has a good track record when it comes to catering for older people, who want to reside in a common shared centre. The Western Trust should give consideration to widening the range of service to include a nursing care facility.”

“It does not make sense to close a facility like Greenfield home and force residents into the private sector nursing homes. The public service statutory homes like Greenfield have a long established track record which provides good accommodation for their residents, largely because they have an excellent staff team that have built up a good record of care.”

“Greenfield could become a duel-purpose residential and nursing home facility within the statuary sector, rather than residents being pushed into the private nursing home centres. It makes economic sense to maintain the established standing team within Greenfield and widen the scope of care for the residents.”

Recently Joe Byrne MLA and Daniel McCrossan, West-Tyrone Constituency Representative met with two senior healthcare managers for the Western Trust and emphasised the importance of Greenfield Home for residents and the staff.

“Greenfield Home has an excellent track record in the provision of care for the elderly in a friendly and hospitable care facility for the elderly.”

Byrne; proposals on PROJECT BANK ACCOUNTS for large public contracts welcomed!

West-Tyrone SDLP MLA Joe Byrne, a member of the All-Party Assembly Construction Industry Group has welcomed proposals from Sammy Wilson Minister for Finance, to introduce Project Bank Accounts.

Mr Byrne said “Project Bank Accounts should protect both main contractors and smaller sub-contractors in getting paid more promptly during the construction of large capital projects”.

“Too many construction companies, particularly smaller subcontractors have faced bankruptcy in recent times, very often on large public build contracts. The new Project Bank Accounts are earmarked for all public sector contracts worth over one million pounds. In the assembly Sammy Wilson stated last week that this scheme should start at the end of January 2013.”

“Representatives of the Construction Industry have lobbied for this development for a number of years now and the Assembly all-party groups on construction have lobbied hard on the Executive. Project Contracts should help contractors, construction workers and builder suppliers, and ensure prompter payment for goods and services.” 

SDLP welcomes remedial work to Mourne Bridge..

SDLP Sh. Cllr Jim McIntyre has this week welcomed the news that remedial works will be carried out on the Mourne Bridge in Strabane.

Mr McIntyre said ‘In the last number of months the SDLP team and I have been lobbying DRD Roads Service for such works to be carried out. The Mourne Bridge is a very important part of Strabane’s history. The Bridge was first built in 1788 and was an indication of the development of Strabane. This replaced the ferry service over the river and marked the opening of the permanent route of travel to the south of the town.”

“Roads Service has confirmed that recurring visual inspections of Strabane Mourne Bridge have shown that from a structural perspective the bridge is in reasonable condition. However, Roads Service have accepted that from an aesthetic and long term durability perspective the bridge would benefit from some general remedial work. Given the scale of the structure this would be a very significant exercise. The work has been listed and will be programmed when the availability of funds permits.”

The SDLP team are pleased that this work is to be carried out on one of Strabane’s distinctive landmarks when funding becomes available. We hope this will ensure the Mourne Bridge is sustained for future generations.”  


SDLP Representative Liam Stewart, who is also a Strabane Town Forum Member has welcomed the council’s application for £150,000 of DSD funding to help revitalise and rejuvenate Strabane town centre and will also redevelop eligible commercial premises. The DSD Regeneration grant if successful will pump £1m into the rejuvenation of Strabane District across seven years and could potentially put Strabane well on the road to recovery.  There have also been other applications for further funding to help rejuvenate the town centre.  These exciting regeneration initiatives will see the town centres invigorated by a multitude of proposals including:

- Directional Signage;
- Shop Front improvements;
- Environmental Improvements

We in the SDLP believe that towns and town centres are a defining feature and a vital resource for the North. They provide considerable social and economic benefits and even improve the quality of life which is why the SDLP believe efforts must be made now!

Mr Stewart continued, I believe that towns and town centres are the beating hearts of Ireland and Irish life. The recognition and importance of towns, and in particular town centres, to not only the economic but the cultural and social lives of so many communities has been a long time coming. Now that political attention is focussed on them, Northern Irelands towns have an opportunity to promote positive change, through innovative policy initiatives and appropriate radical thinking.

Yet, there is quite a bit of catching up that needs to take place. Many of our town centres are either in a state of arrested decay or suffering accelerating decline. Recent efforts in creating the town centre forum and application of available DSD funding is greatly appreciated but much more is needed to turn the rhetoric, and our ambitions, into a reality we in Strabane can be rightly proud of.

It is the SDLP’s belief that, we have to rethink and re-invigorate our town centres. We have to reimagine and redefine their roles. We have to ask fundamental questions as to their function and place in modern society and then decide how we look at, and after, them. Thus, we have to ensure that:

 •All action promoting town centre activity is co-ordinated and concerted
 •We measure where we are, assess what works and dump what does not.
 •Funding streams are repositioned and focused to drive activity within town centres.
 •Local solutions are encouraged, tried and supported.
 •Policies for our district town centres are aligned and implemented.

Joe Byrne MLA said: “if the funding is secured it will be a fantastic boost to the area and will enable a wide range of dynamic and forward thinking projects to proceed, bringing huge benefits to Strabane and its residents. Not only will the funding transform our town centres and surrounding areas it will also attract and encourage visitors and tourists to the area and help local businesses grow and thrive – bringing benefits all round.”

SDLP: Small Businesses must reap rewards of rate relief scheme

SDLP Constituency Representative Daniel McCrossan has given a cautious welcome to a response the SDLP received from Sammy Wilson, Minister of Finance and Personnel in relation to the small businesses rate relief scheme.

Mr McCrossan said:

“In this current economic climate small businesses are vulnerable and any reduction in rate payments is to be welcomed. There has been up until now a lack of clear direction as to how the proposed Small Business Rate Relief (SBRR) scheme would be implemented and its remit.

“The SDLP recently submitted a question to the Finance Minister asking him to clarify the conditions for small businesses who are hoping to avail of the 20% reduction in rates, when the reduction will apply and for how long it will last.

“The Minister has informed the SDLP that the scheme will provide much needed support to an additional 3,500 business ratepayers, bringing the total amount of business ratepayers supported by SBRR to just over 27,000.

This week the local SDLP visited a number of businesses in the area and explained how the scheme operates and helped in determining if a business is eligible. The criteria are as follows; Business premises with an NAV of £2000 will receive 50% relief. Business properties with an NAV more than £2000 but less than £5000 will receive 25% relief and business properties with More than an NAV of more than £5000 but less than £15000 will receive 20% relief.

“The scheme is due to last for two years from April 2013 to 31 March 2015. I believe a review of the scheme should take place at that point with a view to extending it further.

“If we are to emerge from this tough economic period we need to give our small businesses a hand-up as they attempt to survive in the current market. Relieving the burden of high rate payments is a welcome development and I would urge the Minister to continually monitor ways in which these businesses can be supported.” If the business community have any queries the SDLP business support group will be happy to help. 02871882828.


Byrne Welcomes New Schools Proposals for West Tyrone!

Mr Byrne, SDLP MLA for West Tyrone, welcomes the new build proposals for some schools in the West Tyrone area.  He says ‘these will not only be welcomed by the schools themselves but will be welcomed by the construction industry in the area’.
‘I congratulate the pupils, staff and governors of Omagh Integrated Primary School as well as Strabane Academy and Gaelscoil Ui Dhochartaigh P.S. in Strabane. This is a welcome boost for these schools and I wish them well with their new builds.’
In regard to the Lisanelly Shared Education Campus it is good that the Minister brought some clarity to the situation on the way forward. He outlined a new build replacement project proposal for Arvalee Special School at Lisanelly and this is also to be welcomed.
In conclusion, Joe Byrne MLA stated ‘this statement by John O’ Dowd, Education Minister ,is a positive signal from the Department of Education at this time, particularly  given that £40 million has been allocated to schools maintenance and a capital built programme of £220 million across the North.

Monday 14 January 2013

The Three Rivers Project could be a Golden Opportunity for Strabane in 2013!

The Three Rivers Project could be a Golden Opportunity for Strabane in 2013!

SDLP MLA Joe Byrne this week released a statement regarding the Three Rivers Project. He commented:

‘’Strabane, as a regional town sitting on the border, needs to see some significant Government investment support over the next year in order to redress the economic neglect and curse of unemployment. As an SDLP MLA for West Tyrone, I will continue to highlight the neglect of Strabane over recent decades since partition.

The people of Strabane, particularly the young, need to see evidence that the Stormont Executive and its Ministers are listening and willing to deliver investment and job opportunities for the people of Strabane and district.

Strabane is a regional town and, along with Lifford in Co Donegal, needs to benefit from joint Government action with a major cross-border project which heralds a new beginning for North-South Cooperation at a local and practical level.

The Three Rivers Project is in effect a Golden Opportunity for the Strabane and Lifford catchment area. In addition to the retail proposals the promoters have stated its job creation potential regarding incorporating a purpose built, State-Of-The-Art Employment Park.

It is crucial at this time that the Government authorities invest in the Riverine Project, and thus trigger the private sector investment being proposed for the three rivers initiative. Given that the Three Rivers is essentially an edge of town cross border North South Project it needs  support from central and local Government agencies, including DOE planning.

This type of project can greatly facilitate an opportunity for decentralisation of a Government Office, and provide a strong example of having balanced regional level across the North, particularly to a western Town like Strabane that needs a strong positive signal by Government authorities on both sides of the border.

The Special EU Programmes body which has signalled grant aid support for the riverine project must be welcomed and endorsed as the trigger mechanism to bring about the necessary private sector investment which is required in this area.

The developers behind the three rivers project are deserving of support at this time in order to bring about the much needed investment required by Strabane.

The SDLP have always supported practical North/South Cooperation, and we see this project as a possible flagship project for Strabane and district. The potential of this development must be realised and welcomed, particularly when the construction industry is in need of capital projects to get started.

Thursday 10 January 2013

SDLP: Innisfree Gardens to Benefit from new Scheme..

Sh Cllr Patrick Leonard and Sh. Cllr Liam Stewart have welcomed the announcement of a new NIHE Scheme.

This week the SDLP has welcomed the launch of a General Central Maintenance scheme by the Northern Ireland Housing Executive. The scheme which is due to begin this February will roll out essential maintenance works to various housing sites across the Strabane district.

The works will include a wide range of repairs and maintenance from fencing repairs to general grounds maintenance, replacement or repair of windows, doors and heating, but more importantly will focus on the much needed redecoration of the exterior properties under review.  Each property will be evaluated and surveyed from front to back to ensure all necessary works take place.

Welcoming the scheme, SDLP Sh. Cllr Patrick Leonard said: This scheme is a greatly needed in many areas across the Strabane district and I am sure my constituents will be very pleased to hear that such works are scheduled to begin on February 25th. My team in Strabane have been inundated with information following a survey carried out in the Head of the town in relation to much needed maintenance.

This is an opportunity to sort any problems tenants of social housing are suffering. I am particularly pleased that this scheme will begin at Innisfree Gardens in the head of the town. Where the entire area will be evaluated and considerable works carried out. The scheme will remove all graffiti in the surrounding area and provide a fresh new look to many houses. In the redecoration of these properties fences and walls will also be painted.

Sh. Cllr Liam Stewart, Town Forum Member and a man born and bred in the head of the town also welcomed the scheme: Mr Stewart said, this scheme is a fantastic opportunity for residents of the area to sort any problems they may have. I welcome and applaud the efforts of the NIHE in cleaning up the area. For too long the Head of the town has been neglected and deserves much needed attention.

 The SDLP are also glad to announce that Alexander Place, Ardnalee Park, Barrack Street, Brigade Terrace, Brigade Terrace Flats, Casement Place, Columbian Terrace, Gartan Avenue, Iona Villas, Kennedy Street, Lower Main Street, Mount Sion, Newton Place, Newton Street, Riverside Terrace and Townsend Terrace will also be included in this fantastic and vital maintenance scheme.

Kelly condemns arson at former Adria site!

SDLP Strabane District Councillor Patsy Kelly has condemned those behind a fire at the former Adria site in the town.

Thu 9th August

Police and fire crews attended the site this morning after a number of tyres which were being stored in undergrowth for use in bonfires were set ablaze, very close to the nearby residential area of Ashgrove Park.
Cllr Kelly said: “This fire appears to have been started by people using the abandoned site as a venue for drinking and it was an act of gross irresponsibility.

“Having spoken to the police this morning, I am told that the only reason there was no major damage is because the wind was blowing away from the Ashgrove Park area.

“Had it been blowing in the opposite direction, the fire could well have spread to trees and oil-tanks owned by residents, causing huge damage and even, possibly, injury.

“Obviously, I condemn those who set the fire and appeal to anyone with information to pass it on to the police immediately.

“However, there is the deeper issue here which is that the owner of the Adria site has not taken due care to secure the site and maintain it so that tyres, or anything else for that matter, cannot be stored in undergrowth and access cannot be gained to the compound.

“They need to take responsibility for their property, maintain it as best they can, trim back any undergrowth that is not needed to protect the privacy of adjoining houses and keep the site safe and crime-free until it can be redeveloped.

“The people of Ashgrove Park, Melmount and Old Ballycolman deserve nothing less.”

Re-laying of pipes welcomed in Lisnafin area!

SDLP Sh Cllr Anne Marie Blee has welcomed the re-laying of sewage pipes in the Lisnafin area.

Mrs Blee said “The Sewage pipes in question where causing a lot of bother to residents especially in the last number of weeks due to heavy rain and flooding. The flood waters where unable to escape leaving water and sewage lying on the street.”

“Many residents were concerned for their health and safety due to sewage being deposited on the street. Many residents have young families and fear their children becoming ill due to the lying sewage.”

“Our office was contacted by a number of concerned residents. Upon further investigation by the SDLP team it was discovered that the pipes were being blocked by a mixture of sand and muck that had been washed into the pipes due to heavy rain.”

“We have been in contact with the Northern Ireland Housing Executive in order to get this matter resolved. Our office has now been assured by the Housing Executive that the sewer pipes will be fully re-laid in order to prevent further flooding. This work is due to be carried out within the next number of weeks. We hope that this will further insure the health and safety of residents in the future.”

“I would also like to thank the Housing Executive for their co-operation in order to get this issue resolved.”

SDLP Constituency Representative Daniel McCrossan added “I am happy to see this much needed work being carried out by the Housing Executive. In matters such as these the concerns of residents must be taking very seriously and acted upon as urgently as possible.”   

SDLP welcome new opportunities for Strabane youth!

SDLP Constituency Representative Daniel McCrossan has urged young people and business owners alike to make full use of the First Start scheme, being launched by the Department of Employment and Learning in order to tackle youth un-employment.

Mr McCrossan said “Due to the economic climate it has been particularly difficult to move from benefits into sustainable employment. It has been especially hard on the young people of our district mainly in the 18-24 year old bracket. The First Start Scheme is a positive attempt to bring support and job prospects for young people. This initiative will provide real workplace opportunities and should not be overlooked.”

“First Start job opportunities will attract financial support for the first 26 weeks of employment. Both permanent and temporary jobs will be considered, provided the jobs are for at least 26 weeks duration. First Start job opportunities can be within either the private, public or third sector. Within First Start, the employer offering the job opportunity will be the direct employer of the young person/persons.”

“I believe that this is the sort of opportunity young people in the area are in desperate need of. I would hope employers will also take great interest in this fantastic opportunity to help reduce unemployment and support those most in need of jobs. If anyone would like more information or help in taking advantage of the First Start Scheme, please do not hesitate to contact the SDLP Advice Centre at 5 Butcher Street or call 02871 882828.”

Strabane's Dan is Elected to SDLP Party Executive!

West-Tyrone Constituency Representative Daniel McCrossan has been elected to the SDLPs Party Executive at the party’s annual conference held at the Armagh City Hotel.

On Saturday evening prior to the Leaders speech Mr McCrossan addressed the conference on his vision of a new politics for a better Ireland and how he believed the SDLP will be instrumental in that process, he explained how he believed in the SDLP and how it could become the party of the people once more. McCrossan was then elected to the Party Executive following a significant number of first preference votes from party colleagues across the region.

Following his election Mr McCrossan said “I felt the Party Executive required younger members with fresh ideas, motivation and energy who worry for their future on this island. I am pleased that the delegates at conference were willing to place their trust in me and shared my vision of a stronger SDLP for all and a radical political voice for the people of North once again.”

“The new Party Executive will now meet within the next two weeks and all 14 members will outline the future steps of how they we can rebuild the organisation. The Executive body will meet every month with the leader and other high ranking officials to report changes we feel are necessary.”

“It is my intention to place a Strabane voice at the top of the SDLP Executives agenda, as we the people of Strabane like many others need all the support possible in these already difficult times, it is time to fight back.”   

Local artist pays tribute to Hume Knighthood!!

Local artist pays tribute to Hume Knighthood

Local artist Christopher McCrossan this week dedicated a work of art to the SDLP in Strabane in honour of the Nobel Peace Prize winner John Hume and his upcoming knighthood by Pope Benedict XVI.

Former SDLP leader John Hume will be made a Knight Commander of St Gregory, a senior Knighthood awarded by the Vatican. It comes more than 13 years after Mr Hume was awarded a Nobel Peace Prize for his work during the troubles.

A former teacher, Mr Hume first came to prominence during the civil rights movement in the late 1960’s. He helped to form the moderate nationalist Social Democratic and Labour Party in 1970, taking over as leader in 1979. During his time in the public eye, Mr Hume was widely respected by both sides of the community and was jointly awarded his Nobel Peace prize for his reconciliation work with the Ulster Unionist leader David Trimble in 1998.

SDLP West-Tyrone MLA Joe Byrne said “We are thrilled by this fantastic piece of artwork, a great tribute to Ireland’s peacemaker. This outstanding piece of work will be placed in the hallway of the SDLP Office in Strabane.”

West-Tyrone Constituency Representative Daniel McCrossan said “We are very grateful to Chris for dedicating this drawing to the people of Strabane and especially to the Strabane SDLP office. The drawing can be viewed from next week in the hallway of the SDLP Advice Centre at 5 Butcher Street.”    

Byrne welcomes £750,000 of Capital Investment in Strabane College!!

Byrne welcomes capital investment in local college

SDLP West-Tyrone MLA Joe Byrne has welcomed the announcement of the £750,000 of capital investment to be spent on improving the Strabane Campus of the North West Regional College.

Mr Byrne said “I welcome the announcement of the much needed capital investment in the Derry Road campus in Strabane. This investment will help to improve the facilities for students and maintain the high quality of education currently being administered by the college.”

“For a number of years there has been a lack of higher education opportunities in the Strabane area with many students having to travel in order to attend their preferred course. The news of this investment is a good start but further investment is needed to ensure the growing number of people enrolling in these courses continues.”

SDLP Constituency Representative Daniel McCrossan also welcomed the news and said “education is key to the future of Strabane. The Department of Education must provide the opportunity for the people of Strabane to better themselves through further education. It is great news to hear that the college in Strabane is receiving investment and will continue to enrol more students.” 

Byrne calls for greater response to flooding!

West-Tyrone SDLP MLA Joe Byrne has called on the relevant authorities to take greater action to prevent flooding in both urban and rural areas around Strabane.

Mr Byrne said “In recent weeks my office has received numerous complaints regarding flooded areas that are causing concern for both home owners and farmers, where in some areas entire fields have been submerged due to the rainfall in recent days.”

“An area in particular, the Flushtown Bridge on the Urney Road, has seen two or three fields turned into a lake, with entire barbed wire fences being immersed under water. This is a concern for farmers as these fields are unable to be utilised, but also motorists using the Urney road who feared the water would also flood the road. I would like to see the authorities take more action to prevent flooding and to relive flooded areas.”

Constituency Representative Daniel McCrossan also commented saying “Our team has been in contact with the rivers agency in the last number of weeks regarding flooding at the Flushtown Bridge and other areas. We would like to see the issue resolved and ensure the safety of all road users.”     

KELLY calls for Town Hall car park to be relined!

Town Hall car park MUST be relined

 SDLP Cllr. Patsy Kelly has called on DRD Roads Service and other relevant authorities, to carry out the necessary work to have the lines at the Town Hall car park repainted.

Mr Kelly said “The car park has been an issue for quite some time with a considerable number of constituents approaching our office, regarding the fading, and at times confusing, layout of the parking lines. The biggest fear for drivers using the car park is if they are not parked properly within the lines they are liable to be given a fine by traffic wardens.”

“Most of the concern has been from older drivers who, due to their eyesight, struggle to see the white lines and are worried they will be fined for not being parked properly. The car park has yellow lines, disabled badges and white lines intertwined, leaving parking there very confusing. I would like to see the car park relined in order to remove the confusion being experienced by drivers using the Town Hall car park.”

West-Tyrone Constituency Representative Daniel McCrossan also commented saying “The SDLP Team have been in contact with DRD Roads Service in relation to the Town Hall car park, enquiring about getting the lines repainted. We have on numerous occasions been told there were plans to have the car park repaired, yet nothing has been done. We would like to see the matter resolved as this is a very busy town centre car park.”            



Following a series of calls and visits over recent weeks from Strabane youth, Business people and the general public, concerns are flying high as to the future of Strabane town centre. There have been whispers that a further three businesses are due to close its doors if something isn’t done by council to support the heart of our district, the SDLP’s Constituency Representative Daniel McCrossan heard this week. Mr McCrossan said; we cannot afford nor should we allow further businesses to close without any offer of help or assistance. We have watched many established traders close their doors over the last few months. What will be left of Strabane? Who will want to visit a derelict town? What is this council doing to respond to the concerns of the many local traders who are struggling day in and day out to survive? Yes the council have launched a town centre forum in recent weeks which is not yet in operation?  Surely it must be appreciated that we are in crisis! Strabane town centre needs support now! Not tomorrow or in three months’ time, intervention is needed now! This council must stand up, wake up and act and deliver for the people of this district.

Yes meetings maybe taking place as many have over the many years. The, we should try this speech or how about that speech? Simple puffs of hot air with no substance and a major lack of deliverance. What frustrates me is the blindness and lack of appreciation of council to recognise that Strabane is a fantastic town with endless potential and great opportunity in front of it, if it were only realised! Strabane sits as the gateway to Donegal, as the centre between Derry and Omagh, Surrounded by potential footfall. The Gimmicks of council and the lack of meaningful economic development function of the council is a poor indictment of how Strabane DC is dealing with everyday problems for both commercial rate payers and the many unemployed youth who are in absolute despair. In relation to the Economic Development unit of Strabane DC the people of Strabane deserve to know what they are actually doing? What have they done for this town? Where are the actions, the solutions?  As recently as last month a meeting was to be arranged between DSD and local traders, the unfortunate thing was that the Strabane Economic Development Unit didn’t send out the letters/emails to Strabane traders until 1 hour before the meeting was scheduled. This upset a lot of our business people who would have liked to have attended had they have been notified reasonably before the meeting? We cannot afford for silly mistakes such as these? Our traders concerns must be treated with the highest priority!

 This council must give people a reason to visit our town! Put a market on the streets if need be, which many traders are in favour of. Take whatever measures necessary to pump life back into our town centre, create an atmosphere, give our people an experience which they will enjoy and ultimately return to each day, provide that reason. Very recently the Olympic torch passed through our town, the atmosphere was electric and the support from the people of this district very reassuring that they like I believe in this town and will support it where they can.

One local trader has said; “As a trader in Strabane town centre I feel that council have done very little to encourage people to both shop and invest in Strabane town centre. We are currently trading in a very difficult economic climate and this is most certainly not helped by the fact that those of us who trade in the town centre are doing so in an area which has become extremely neglected & unkempt & downright unattractive! I firmly believe that the council needs to take urgent action to tidy up the town, and encourage both businesses & people to come into the town centre  as the. Declining footfall in this area is an issue of major concern for myself and many other traders”.

Mr McCrossan said, “The rate payers have paid substantially to local Government in support of local Government. When are local Government going to start caring about the people of this town?
Strabane District council seems to be dominated by the fantasy world of senior officers who continually seek support from the councillors for increased rates and no clear economic development strategy for the district which is needed to support small local businesses and protect or enhance employment by the SME sector.
The time has come for local Government authorities like Strabane District Council to be more responsive and sensitive to the plight.

Shane McLaughlin aged (19) said; I feel that the lack of leadership has driven our town to the edge of a cliff. A council that we put our faith and votes in to ensure our town is kept sustainable. For young people like myself that will have to pay the price for a disillusioned council, feel that new fresher voices are needed in our chambers”.

As a 23 year old concerned Strabane man, I am calling on the people of this district, the general public, the many unemployed desperate for work, concerned parents who worry for their children’s future, the traders who have been abandoned by council and suffocated with major unrealistic rates bills, the youth, the forgotten next generation to stand up and demand answers, demand change, demand to be represented as we all deserve to be! This council are supposed to be the leaders of our local community and in my opinion they have done anything but. Now more than ever this town needs leadership and support!